NTS announced GAT(General) & GAT(Subject) Schedule:
Due to announcement of Indigenous Scholarship by HEC, the last date for submission of application form of GAT General has been extended by NTS upto Tuesday, 30th July 2013 for convenience of candidate / request of HEC. & Test will be conducted on 18th August, 2013. for Registration and further detail plz visit:
> Last date to apply for GAT(Subject) Test is 29th July, 2013 & Test will be conducted on 25th August,2013. for Registration and further detail plz visit:
NOTE: GAT(General) is required for all mphil/M.SC(hons) admissions in university of Agriculture, Faisalabad, whereas Gat(Subject) is required for all Ph.D. admissions in University of Agriculture Faislaabad as well, M.Sc Admissions doesn’t need any test
The University of Agriculture, Faisalabad will conduct a GRE (subject) type test in Agronomy, Crop Physiology, Agri. Entomology, Horticulture, Plant Pathology, Soil Science, Biotechnology, Environmental Sciences, Environmental & Resource Economics, Rural Sociology, Agri. Engineering, Water Resource Engineering, Food Technology, Animal Breeding & Genetics, Animal Nutrition, Livestock Management, Poultry Science, Clinical Medicine & Surgery, Parasitology, Pathology, Physiology, Pharmacology and Theriogenology on August 18, 2013, as this test is not available with the NTS. Candidates who want to take this test need to submit a bank draft worth Rs.1500/- in favor of Treasurer UAF or Bank Receipt from the NBP or /HBL, University branches in the office of the Director Graduate Studies, UAF. upto 12-8-2013. Application forms for this test may be obtained from office of the Director Graduate Studies or can be downloaded from the website: (http://www.uaf.edu.pk). Roll Number slip issued by the Director Graduate Studies and original CNIC required at the time of test. This test is only one eligibility criteria of admission and not a guarantee. for admission.
For detail about ALL Postgraduate Admissions In UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE, FAISALABAD plz visit:
(you may Subscribe for our public Updates by sending “AGD-P” @ 0303-4309053. Its’ First Online Admission Guidance Desk Jointly Organized By Teams of Agrihunt, Positive Pakistan, Jazba Radio, UAFInformation & Farming Revolution. Our online programme regarding info about Admisions in UAF will be launched from mid of August @ www.jazbaradio.com)
for all Undergraduate admissions detail in University of Agriculture, Faisalabad plz visit:
for DVM NTs test & Engineering entry test for under graduate programme in University of Agriculture, Faisalabad plz visit:
for admissions detail in Intermediate pre-Agriculture in University of Agriculture, Faisalabad plz visit:
for all postgraduate admissions detail in University of Agriculture, Faisalabad plz visit:
for Gat-General & Gat(Subject) And Uaf-Special Gat-Subject Detail plz visit:
For 30 news undergraduate and Post Graduate Programmes in University of Agriculture, Faisalabad plz visit:
(Thanx to Junaid Hafeez, Director Agrihunt, Ambassador of Positive Pakistan, Faisalabad Coordinator of Farming Revolution)
Regards: Tayyab Taseer, President of Agrihunt