Category Fertilizer Industry

Fertilizers available in Pakistan


The sources of fertilizer supply in Pakistan are domestic production and imports. Those manufactured locally include urea, calcium ammonium nitrate (CAN) and ammonium sulphate (AS) as straight nitrogen fertilizers. Single superphosphate is the only straight phosphate fertilizer and nitrophos is…

Fertilizers and Environmental Pollution


Fertilizers are organic or inorganic substances, either natural or synthetic, used to supply elements (such as nitrogen, phosphate and potash) essential for plant growth. They are the most effective means of increasing crop production and of improving the quality of…


ROLE OF EARTHWORMS IN IMPROVING SOIL FERTILITY    Mukhtiar khatoon solangia, Sardar khatoon solangib, Sheeraz aleem brohic    Department of Soil Science, Sindh Agriculture University, Tandojam  Institute of Plant Sciences, University of Sindh, Jamshoro  Department of Land and Water Management, Sindh Agriculture University, Tandojam    [email protected][email protected][email protected]      The fertility of a soil can be…

Role of Arthropods in Soil Fertility

Role of Arthropods in Soil Fertility Arthropods which are divided into macro, meso and microbial, can’t be seen with naked eye but play a key role in soil fertility, soil structure and soil texture by their activity. Ants and termites…

Phosphorous Dynamics in salt-affected soils and its Management 

Phosphorous Dynamics in salt-affected soils and its Management Ayesha Irum and Muhammad Ehetisham-ul-Haq   Sustainable agriculture depends on efficient consumption of nutrients to avoid nutrient losses. Since last 4 decades; latest production technology has been adopted by farmers to maximize their profit by producing crops only but not quality crops.…

Significance of Soil pH

                                          Significance of Soil pH Soil pH It is defined as the -ve log of the hydrogen ion activity of a soil. pH       =          – log (H+) pH                        1     (H+) Where (H+) represents the hydrogen ion activity…

Basic Processes of Soil Formation

                               Basic Processes of Soil Formation During soil formation, the unconsolidated weathered material under goes many changes. These changes are brought about by variations in the four-basic soil forming processes. These four basic processes often referred as soil forming or…