Entery Test Schedule for UnderGraduate Admissions in DVM & Engineering Programmes in University of Agriculture, Faislabad

NOTICE OF 2nd ENTRY TEST FOR ADMISSION TO ENGINEERING PROGRAMS & 2ND NTS test For DVM ACADEMIC SESSION, 2013-2014 in University of Agriculture, Faisalabad has been anounced( For any detail plz do contact Junaid Hafeez, Director Agrihunt Scholarship; 0303-4309053 or @ fb https://www.facebook.com/RjJazbaRadio)


>For Engineering Entery Test you can also improved yours previous marks by this result. If you have less than 50% marks in previous test than you would have to pass this test, if you was unable to apply in last test then you can also apply…Merit list recruits 50% entery test, 40% Fsc and 10% matriculation…Admission forms will be available after 1st september

>For DVM NTS Test you can also improved yours previous marks by this result. If you have less than 40% marks in previous test than you would have to pass this test, if you was unable to apply in last test then you can also apply…Merit list recruits 30% entery test, 70% Fsc ..

Latest ADD: For admission process of all programs, fees schedule, last year merit  plz visit this link:



1.  B.Sc. Agricultural Engineering
2.  B.Sc. Food Engineering
3.  B.Sc. Textile Technology
4.  B.Sc. Energy Systems Engineering
5.  B.Sc. Environmental Engineering

SCHEDULE for Engineering Entery Test:
1.    Registration for test upto    25.09.2013      
2.    Test to be held at 10.00 a.m. in the premises of Faculty of Agri. Engineering & Technology    27.09.2013      
3.  Display of test result on 30.09.2013     

PROCEDURE FOR REGISTRATION of Entery Test of Engineering programmes:
The Registration form is available in the Office of the respective Dean, which also can be downloaded  from  University  website  www.uaf.edu.pk.  The  test  fee  (non  refundable)  worth Rs.1,100/- (Rupees one thousand and one hundred only) be deposited into University Account No. 270-5(NBP  University of Agriculture Branch) or through DD/Pay order in favour of the TREASURER, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, prepared by any scheduled bank. The Registration form with test fee, attested copies of two photographs and CNIC be submitted  preferably in person upto the last date i.e. 25.09.2013 in the Office of the Dean concerned for issuance of Roll number slip. The eligibility criteria for each degree program and test result may be perused from University website.


SCHEDULE for DVM Entery Test:

1.  Registration with NTS upto   16.09.2013 (DVM NTS Test Fee is 650 rupee)
2.  Test to be held at 9.00 a.m. in the premises of Faculty of Veterinary Science. on 28.09.2013

3. Test will include 

(Content weight-ages)
Chemistry %
Biology %
Physics   %
English %
Analytical Reasoning %
Quantitative %

The eligibility criteria for D.V.M. program may be perused from University website. For details  of  test  and  downloading  registration  form  and  fee  deposit  slip  visit  NTS  website www.nts.org.pk 


The following Engineering programs are being offered by the University from the next academic  session,  2013-2014.  The  minimum  eligibility  criteria  for  admission  to  each program excluding 20 marks of Hafiz-e-Quran, is indicated against each. The candidates who have passed the requisite examination from any Board of Punjab or an examination declared as equivalent  thereto  from  a  recognized  Institution,  are  eligible  to  apply  for  admission.  The candidates possessing three years Diploma of Associate Engineer in the relevant technology can apply for admission to all the Engineering programs only against their  reserved seats under ‘Open Merit’ and ‘Evening College’ categories. They shall not be eligible to apply for admission under any other category in the said course. Their marks will be converted to a basic figure of
1100(total  marks  for  F.Sc.)  and  Hafiz-e-Quran  marks,  if  any,  will  be  added  later  after conversion. If an applicant is Hafiz-e-Quran, 20 marks will also be added in the total marks of last examination while preparing merit after qualifying test to be conducted by the University. The marks will only be added if the candidate is declared pass by the Committee constituted for the purpose. The test will be held prior to display of 1st  merit list as per schedule to be notified in
the National Press later on. The age limit is 23 years on 1st  September, 2013 which is relaxable by the competent authority after provisional selection:-
Qualifying  entry  test  securing  atleast  50%  marks  conducted  by  the  Faculty  of Agricultural Engineering & Technology is pre-requisite for all admission categories/quota(s) and nominees of other Provinces  including Azad Jammu & Kashmir, Gilgit-Baltistan, Children of Defence Forces Personnel as well as Foreign students seats. The weightage for admission will be 70% for Intermediate/three years diploma marks and 30% for entry test. The candidates desirous to seek  admission  in the said degree programs are required to confirm whether he/she has qualified Entry Test or  otherwise from the concerned Faculty and University website. After confirmation that they have qualified the test, they should submit regular admission form as and when applications will be invited through the National Press:-.
Schedule of test:

2. Eligibility Criteria for DOCTOR OF VETERINARY MEDICINE(DVM):

The candidates who have passed Intermediate(Pre-Medical) examination securing atleast

50% marks(550/1100) excluding 20 marks of Hafiz-e-Quran, from any Board of Punjab or an examination  declared as equivalent thereto from a recognized Institution or Intermediate(Pre- Agriculture)  from  this   University  with  atleast  CGPA  2.5/4.00,  are  eligible  to  apply  for admission. If an applicant is Hafiz-e-Quran, 20 marks will also be added in the total marks of last examination while preparing merit after qualifying test to be conducted by the University. The marks   will   only be added if the candidate is declared pass by the Committee constituted for the purpose. The test will be held prior to display of 1st  merit list as per schedule to be notified in the National Press later on The age limit is 23 years on 1st September, 2013 which is relaxable by the competent authority after provisional selection Qualifying customized entry test securing atleast 40% marks conducted by the NTS at the premises of Faculty of Veterinary Science is mandatory for all admission categories/quota(s) and nominees of other Provinces  including Azad Jammu & Kashmir, Gilgit-Baltistan, Children of Defence Forces Personnel. The weightage for  admission will be 70% for Intermediate(Pre- Medical, Pre-Agriculture) marks and 30% for entry test. The candidates who qualified the test would be required to attach attested copy of Result Slip of the test issued by the NTS alongwith admission application form as when applications will be invited through the National Press.

for all  Undergraduate admissions detail in University of Agriculture, Faisalabad plz visit:


for DVM NTs test & Engineering entry test for under graduate programme in University of Agriculture, Faisalabad plz visit:


for  admissions detail in Intermediate pre-Agriculture in University of Agriculture, Faisalabad plz visit:


for all  postgraduate admissions detail in University of Agriculture, Faisalabad plz visit:


for Gat-General & Gat(Subject) And Uaf-Special Gat-Subject Detail plz visit:


For 30 news undergraduate and Post Graduate Programmes in University of Agriculture, Faisalabad plz visit:


(you may Subscribe for our public Updates by sending “AGD-U” @ 0303-4309053. Its’ First Online Admission Guidance Desk Jointly Organized By Teams of Agrihunt, Positive Pakistan, Jazba Radio, UAFInformation & Farming Revolution. Our online programme regarding info about Admisions in UAF will be launched from mid of August @ www.jazbaradio.com)

(M. Tayyab Taseer, President Agrihunt)

Muhammad Ramzan Rafique
Muhammad Ramzan Rafique

I am from a small town Chichawatni, Sahiwal, Punjab , Pakistan, studied from University of Agriculture Faisalabad, on my mission to explore world I am in Denmark these days..

Articles: 4630

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