Bahiagrass (Paspalum notatum Fluggeis), family Gramineae, is a perennial, deep-rooted summer grass. It is native to South America and now commonly cultivated in many other countries. It is not grown as a forage crop in Pakistan except in limited pockets in the hilly areas -. There are several strains of bahiagrass. In other countries having suitable climatic conditions, bahiagrass is often grown for erosion control as well as forage production. Bahiagrass is more shade-tolerant than bermudagrass and is well adapted to low-fertility and poorly-drained soils. It is not as winter-hardy as bermudagrass.
Bahiagrass is seeded by broadcasting or drilled in the early spring after the last frost. If planted by drill, 15 kg of seed/hectare is required, and if broadcast 25 kg/ha. It germinates slowly because of its waxy seed coat.
Therefore, the seed should be scarified either mechanically or chemically to increase the germination rate. It can be sown as a solid stand or in a mixture with legumes like clovers. It can be overseeded with Sudan grass or millet during summer or with oat in the autumn. If oat is overseeded with bahiagrass, the field must be grazed completely early in the spring so the bahiagrass can establish itself quickly.