Calls are Now Started to apply for the Hungary Government Scholarship program. The Hungary Scholarship is from the Government of Hungary & it’s called Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship programme 2019. The Called is Open Now to Study in Hungary
In this fully funded Hungary Scholarship 2019-2020, You can Complete Your Bachelor, Master’s Degree, One-tier master, Doctoral programmes & Non Degree programs. It covers all of your expenses and applicants don’t need to pay for anything.
Fully Funded Hungary Scholarships offered by Hungarian Universities invites international applicants in Hungarian universities under Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship program 2019-2020. The process to apply for Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship program is similar to Chinese Government Scholarship & Commonwealth Scholarship
Hungary Government Scholarship 2019 Details
- Country: Hungary – Study in Hungary
- Course Level: Bachelor, Master’s, One-tier master, Doctoral, Non Degree.
- Duration: 2-4 years, 1.5-2 years, 5-6 years, 2+2 years
- Scholarship Value: Fully Funded
Course Level & Duration
- Bachelor’s Degree: 2-4 Years
- Master’s Degree: 1.5-2 Years
- One-tier master: 5-6 Years
- Ph.D.D: 4 Years
- Non-degree Programs: 1 Year
In the Hungarian Education system, One-tier master programmes cover both the bachelor and the master level of studies; therefore it is an undivided master programme that results in a master degree. These one-tier programmes are offered in specific study fields such as general medicine, pharmacy, dentistry, architecture, law, veterinary surgery, forestry engineering, etc.
Host Universities Study in Hungary Scholarship
- Click here to find the eligible host institutions and details of their study programmes. You can select Universities according to Your Field of Interest.
Courses & Fields of Study:
- List of eligible study programmes determined in the educational cooperation agreements in effect between Hungary and the specific Sending Partner – Click here
Scholarship Value
The Following Things will be Cover Under Hungary Government Scholarship.
Tuition-Free education
- Exemption from the payment of tuition fee to Study in Hungary for international students
Monthly Stipend
- Non-degree, Bachelor, Master & One-Tier Master Level: Monthly amount of HUF 40 460 (cca EUR 130) contribution to the living expenses in Hungary, for 12 months a year, until the completion of studies
- Doctoral level: according to the current Hungarian legislation, the monthly amount of scholarship is HUF 140 000 (cca EUR 450) for the first phase of education (4 semesters) and HUF 180 000 (cca EUR 580) for the second phase (4 semesters) – for 12 months a year, until completion of studies.
Accommodation contribution
- Free dormitory place or a contribution of HUF 40 000/month to accommodation costs for the whole duration of the scholarship period
- Please note that if the student does not live in the dormitory, then the HUF 40 000/month is a contribution to that rental costs, and in bigger cities – especially in the capital city – this contribution would not cover the full amount of rental costs.
Medical insurance
- health care services according to the relevant Hungarian legislation (Act No. 80 of 1997, national health insurance card) and supplementary medical insurance for up to HUF 65 000 (cca EUR 205) a year/person
Eligible Countries
The Stipendium Hungaricum Programme is based on effective bilateral educational cooperation agreements between the Ministry of Human Capacities of Hungary and the partner’s Ministry responsible for higher education. Applications will be considered eligible if the applicant is nominated by the responsible authorities of the Sending Partner for Hungary Government Scholarship
Required Documents For Hungary Government Scholarship:
- Hungary Scholarship Online Application Form (Given below in Link)
- Motivation Letter:
- Minimum 1 page, typed with Times New Roman 12 point font size letters
- Proof of language proficiency and their translations in the language of the selected study programme or in Hungarian
- Scanned copy of the original proof of language proficiency, with a minimum level determined by the Host Institution AND their translations
- In case the student has completed his/her previous level of studies in the language of the selected study programme, a proof can be uploaded about the fact that the language of education was the same as the language of the study programme that the applicant is now applying for.
- School certificates and their translations in the language of the selected study programme or in Hungarian
- Bachelor level full-time programmes: scanned copy of the original secondary school graduation certificate or equivalent AND their translations
- Master level full-time programmes: scanned copy of the original bachelor degree certificate or equivalent AND their translations
- One-tier master level full-time programmes: scanned copy of the original secondary school graduation certificate or equivalent AND their translations
- Doctoral level: scanned copy of the original master degree certificate or equivalent AND their translations
- Non-Degree, Hungarian language preparatory programmes: scanned copy of the secondary school graduation certificate AND their translations
- Non-degree, specialization programmes: scanned copy of degree certificate required by the host institution AND their translations
- Partial (exchange) study programmes on all study levels: scanned copy of the original certificate about student status issued by the current higher education institution where the applicants is registered in AND their translations
- Translations only have to be attached if the copy of the original document is not in the language of the selected study programme or in English
- Transcript of Records and its translations in the language of the selected study programme or in Hungarian
- Copy of the original transcript of records regarding all academic semesters or school years completed during previous studies (in the highest level of education that the student have participated in) AND their translations
- Translations only have to be attached if the copy of the original document is not in the language of the selected study programme or in Hungarian
- Medical Certificate
- Scanned copy of a medical certificate of satisfactory health condition issued not earlier than 15 November 2018
- Certificates has to be issued and signed by a physician to prove that the applicant does not have the following illnesses: AIDS, Hepatitis A, B, C or any other epidemic conditions
- Please note that despite the applicants need to upload this document, the Host Institutions might require the student to take a medical test at the time of enrolment (free of charge for the Scholarship Holders)
- Copy of Identification Document
- Provided that the applicant already has a passport, the scan of the passport should be uploaded
- In case the applicants do not yet have a passport, the applicant should upload the scanned copy of any document which may be used to prove the applicant’s identity (e.g. national ID card)
- Acceptance of Statement for Application in the online system
- all applicants need to accept the “Statement for Application”
- The statement can only be accepted in the online system, therefore scanned and signed copies should not be uploaded
- the statement appears in the online application system after registration – all applicants need to click on accepting it in order to be able to submit their application
All documents that cannot be obtained or produced in the language of the selected study programme or in Hungarian have to be translated and the translations have to be submitted as well as the copy of the original document.
Additional Documents for Doctoral Level:
- Research Plan
- Minimum 2 pages, typed with Times New Roman 12 point font size letters, written in the language of the selected study programme
- Letters of Recommendation
- Two signed Letters of Recommendation from the applicant’s former or current academic tutors or supervisors
- The two letters cannot be issued by the same person
- Written in the language of the selected study programme or in Hungarian
Hungary Government Scholarship 2019 Tips:
- You read and understand all parts of the Call for Application, especially the eligibility criteria (e.g. age and citizenship requirements)
- You read the guide (available on website) for the Hungary government scholarship website Online System.
- You visit the website of Tempus Public Foundation ( and your chosen Host Institutions for details about the entrance requirements of study programmes, curriculum and so on,
- If you are a doctoral applicant, visit and contact your chosen host institution before submitting your institution in order to discuss the available research topics and possible supervisors (you will have priority if you already have an assigned future supervisor),
- You provide precise contact details and make sure your e-mail address (and any other information) is not mistyped on your application form because all information – including the slection results – will be sent there,
- You do not accidentally apply for the wrong study levels (e.g. doctoral studies while you are a bachelor student or master studies while you already have a master degree) and do not apply to different study levels in one application,
- You do not mix up the application to full degree and partial (exchange) study programme (and the length of exchange studies) as study modes cannot be altered after the application is submitted,
- the documents with the correct file formats are uploaded, one file is not larger than 4 MB and all your files can be opened,
- You submit your application until the deadline both to Tempus Public Foundation and the responsible authorities of the Sending Partner,
- You did submit your application because the saving your application will only save the content but the application will not actually be submitted,
- You write down and remember your login information, password and your e-mail address used when you submitted your application because you will need this information later (e.g. for accepting the scholarship), and
- You write down and remember your application registration number because this is how we will be able to identify your application later and this is the number that Scholarship Holders will need to use during their scholarship studies too.
- Increase your chances of getting admitted by applying for two different study programmes (in order of preference) instead of only one,
- Carefully decide on the order of application as it cannot be changed later and it is very much considered during the allocation process (read important details above)
- Not to apply through any agencies unknown by the Host Institutions (see our website for the list of agencies known by the universities) and pay for their services regarding the application because the programme is implemented by direct cooperation with the responsible authorities of the Sending Partners, not agencies.
The Deadline for the Hungary Government Scholarship 2019 varies from country to country. Please visit the sending partner in your country (For Example HEC For Pakistan) for more details about the Hungary scholarship application form and deadline.
For Quiries Skype: stipendiumhungaricum.
E mail: stipendiumhungaricum{at} Phone: +36 (1) 236-5040
Click Here to Apply for Stipendium Hungaricum
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