Synonyms: Cattle plague, Bovine typhus, Bulkandi
It is an acute highly contagious viral disease of ruminants and pig. Crossbred and young cattle are more susceptible to this virus.
Etiology: It is caused by paramyxovirus.
1. It spreads primarily through inhalation.
2. It also spreads through ingestion of contaminated feed and water.
Fever usually persists for 3 days.
Loss of appetite (off feed)
Drop in milk yield
Suspended rumination
Conjunctiva becomes dark red i.e. congested
Nasal discharge
Necrotic ulcers or erosions on oral mucus membrane.
Shooting diarrhoea.
Abdominal pain/colic
Death within 6-12 days
1. History of an outbreak and symptoms.
2. Postmortem findings – Zebra markings in intestine.
3. Isolation of virus from blood, spleen & lymphnodes.
4. Serological tests.
It is very little help in Rinderpest; however, the following treatment may prove beneficial in reducing the death rate among affected animals.
Antibiotics like penicillin, streptomycin, Oxytetracycline should be given to check secondary bacterial infection.
Astringents or antidiarrhoel drugs.
Use of anti-rinderpest serum. –
Fluid and electrolyte therapy – Dextrose saline
a) General measures:
Identification and isolation of sick animals.
Complete prohibition of import of domestic ruminants, pig, and animal products from affected area.
Restriction of animal movements.
Disposal of dead animals.
Disinfection of contaminated shed and premises.
b) Vaccination:
Tissue Culture Rinderpest Vaccine (TCRPV) © ‘I ml SC every a I termite year.