Poultry Breed List


This is only a very brief guide about the different breeds to help the novice poultry enthusiast understand were all the breeds come from and what they have to offer.  It is NOT a standard, and in some cases only one persons opinion.  Different countries have their own standards which should be sought for specific breed characteristics.  Some are as follows:



    This is only a very brief guide about the different breeds to help the novice poultry enthusiast understand were all the breeds come from and what they have to offer.  It is NOT a standard, and in some cases only one persons opinion.  Different countries have their own standards which should be sought for specific breed characteristics.  Some are as follows:

    • American Standard of Perfection (America)
    • American Bantam Association Standard (America)
    • New Zealand Poultry Standard (New Zealand)
    • British Poultry Standard (England)

    Note: some countries categorise breeds slightly differently to others.


    Our domestic races of fowls as we know them today have evolved from the native Jungle Fowls that lived in the Indian Continent. Our modern races are the result of these birds artificially selected for:

    1. Egg laying
    2. Flesh quality and quantity
    3. Cock fighting ability
    4. General appearance.

    During the Middle Ages 3 main types of fowls were developed in separate regions:

    1. Mediterranean fowls: these seldom brood and lay white eggs. breeds known today are leghorn, Andalusions, Minorcas, Anconas, Spanish.
    2. Asian Game fowls: these have hard, tight feathering and are primarily a fighting fowl.  They lay
    brown eggs and are good brooders (sitters).
    3. Asian Soft Feather fowls: These were developed in the mountain regions of Asia.  They have
    loose, soft feathers and feathered legs. examples are Brahmas, Cochin & Langshan.

    By crossing these three races of fowls, new breeds have been developed which are popular today.  these can be grouped as follows:
    1. English breeds: These generally have white skin & legs. breeds include Orpington, Sussex &
    2. European breeds: These generally lay brown eggs and breeds include Barnevelder &
    3. American breeds: These generally have yellow pigment and breeds include Plymouth rock, Rhode Island Red, Jersy Giant, Wyandotte.

    Commercial fowls: Cross breed or hybrid fowls selected for their productivity, with little attention paid to appearance.  They are developed to maximise the production of meat or eggs.
    House or Farm fowls: These include one breed or random cross breeds that are NOT bred to a recognised standard.

    Pure breed fowls: birds bred and selected to conform as closely as possible to a set Standard which outlines desirable and undesirable features.

    These are often called game fowls with their origins going back to when they were bred for cock fights.  Their feathers are tight and closely follow the contour of the body.
    * breed: Asil
    origin: Asia-India
    colours: light red, dark red, red wheaten.
    egg colour: tinted/cream
    comment: oldest game fowl breed.
    * breed:Indian Game
    origin: Cornwall, England
    colours: dark, jubilee, blue
    egg colour: tinted/cream
    comment: Meaty looking with huge breast and thighs.  Known as Cornish in America.
    * breed:Malay Game
    origin: Asia
    colours: Black, white, spangled, pile, duckwing.
    egg colour: tinted/cream
    comment: very tall, leggy birds.
    * breed:Old English Game
    origin: England
    colours: over 30 known colours. main colours include black, blue, black red, pile, duckwing,
    crele, spangle.
    egg colour: tinted/cream
    comment: Muscular birds originally bred for cock fights and it’s customary to dub the male

    These fowls have loose feathering, with a distinct soft feel. They are light in frame and muscle and usually very good egg layers.
    * breed:Ancona
    origin: Italy
    colour: Mottled (each feather black with a white tip)
    egg colour: White
    comment: excellent egg layer but sometimes nervous.
    * breed: Araucana
    origin: Chile & Peru
    colours: lavender, black & any Old English game colour.
    egg colour: Blue/green
    comment: they have a unique egg colour.
    * breed:Andalusian
    origin: Spain
    colour: Blue (feathers blue with black lacing)
    egg colour: White
    comment: good egg layer but can be flighty.
    * breed: Frizzle
    origin: China
    colours: black, white, buff, blue
    egg colour: white/cream
    comment: purely an exhibition bird with each feather curling towards the head. Often seen as
    * breed:Hamburg
    origin: Europe
    colours: gold spangled, silver spangled, gold pencilled, silver pencilled.
    egg colour: white
    comment: has a rose comb.
    * breed:Leghorn
    origin: Italy
    colours: about 12 known colours.  main colours include black, brown, blue, white.
    egg colour: white
    comment: good egg layer.  usually has single comb.
    * breed: Minorca
    origin: Spain
    colours: Black, white, buff, blue.
    egg colour: white
    comment: good egg layer. eggs large.
    * breed: Campine
    origin: Belgium
    colours: Silver, gold. (black barring over gold or silver ground colour).
    egg colour: white
    comment: used for autosexing breeds.
    * breed: Poland
    origin: Europe
    colours: White-crested black, chamois (buff laced), white crested blue, white, gold, silver.
    egg colour: white
    comment: very old breed with an upright crest.
    * breed: Silkie
    origin: Asia, China, or Japan??
    colours: many colours.  main ones are white, black, gold, blue.
    egg colour: tinted/cream
    comment: unusual silky feathering, with blue/purple skin, crest, feathered legs & five toes. make
    very good mothers.  Classified as bantams in America.
    * breed: Spanish
    origin: Mediterranean
    colour: black
    egg colour: white
    comment: has a striking appearance of having a excessive white face. very old and now rare
    * breed: Welsummer
    origin: Holland
    colours: male-black red, female-partridge.
    egg colour: brown/dark brown
    comment: lays a deep brown egg and lots of them.
    These birds tend to be heavy in frame, and can be very large. They are usually looser in feather than light breeds, and meatier but lay slightly less eggs.  They are a good all round fowl.
    * breed:Australorp
    origin: Australia
    colour: black
    egg colour: tinted/brown
    comment: good all round bird.
    * breed: Barnevelder
    origin: Holland
    colours: Black, double laced
    egg colour: deep brown
    comment: popular for their brown eggs.
    * breed: Brahma
    origin: Asia
    colours: Light, dark, white, gold, birchen
    egg colour: tinted
    comment: feathered legs and feet.
    * breed: Dorking
    origin: England
    colours: silver grey, red, white, dark, cuckoo.
    egg colour: tinted/cream
    comment: has five toes.
    * breed:Faverolle
    origin: France
    colours: Black, salmon, ermine, blue, buff, white.
    egg colour: tinted/cream
    comment: bearded fowls with feathered legs and five toes.
    * breed:Langshan
    origin: China
    colour: black
    egg colour: tinted/brown
    comment: two varieties; Chinese and Croad.
    * breed: New Hampshire
    origin: U.S.A.
    colour: Red/orange (chest nut)
    egg colour: tinted/brown
    comment: Bred from Rhode Island Red.
    * breed: Orpington
    origin: Kent, England
    colours: Buff, blue, white, black
    egg colour: light brown
    comment: Queen mothers breed
    * breed:Plymouth Rock
    origin: U.S.A.
    colours: barred, partridge, buff, white, black.
    egg colour: tinted
    comment: popular all round fowl.
    * breed:Rhode Island
    origin: U.S.A.
    colours: Red, White
    egg colour: light brown/brown
    comment: popular amongst rural people
    * breed:Sussex
    origin: England
    colours: light, speckled, buff, white, silver
    egg colour: tinted
    comment: popular farm fowl with excellent table qualities. Also good egg layer.
    * breed:Transylvanian Naked Neck
    origin: Hungary
    colours: white, black, blue, cuckoo, buff, red.
    egg colour: tinted/cream
    comments: featherless bright red neck.  naturally has less feathers than other breeds.
    * breed:Wyandotte
    origin: U.S.A.
    colours: many colours.  self colours (white, blue, buff, red, black), barred/cuckoo, laced (blue,
    gold, buff, silver), columbian (&buff), crele (gold & silver), silver pencilled, partridge.
    egg colour: tinted/light brown
    comment: good all round fowl.  Very popular. Has rose comb.

    Similar description to their large fowl counterpart but about 1/5 to 1/4 the size.
    * breed:Modern Game
    origin: England
    colours: similar to Old English Game colours
    egg colour: tinted/cream
    comment: customary to dub males. Breed has very long legs, tall and well muscled. Large fowls
    of this breed are very rare but do exist. It is a showman’s bird.

    BANTAMS-SOFT FEATHER (miniature):
    Similar to their large counter part, but about 1/5 to 1/4 the size. ie they are miniatures of large birds bred down in size or developed from crosses with other bantams.

    These breeds have no large counterpart.  These breeds are very ornamental and popular at shows.  They are a TRUE bantam, and not just miniatures of another breed.
    * breed:Japanese
    origin: Japan
    colours: Black tailed white, white, black, grey, mottled, blue
    egg colour: white/tinted
    comment: Very tall upright tail, and short legs. Carries lethal gene for short legs.
    * breed:Pekin
    origin: Asia
    colours: black, black red birchen, buff, blue, blue red, brown red, barred, columbian,
    cuckoo, mealy grey, mottled, partridge, splashed, white, wheaten blue tail, wheaten
    black tail.
    egg colour: white/cream
    comment: small rounded bird with heavily feathered feet & legs. In America they are classified
    as  miniatures of the large Cochin.
    * breed:Rosecomb
    origin: England
    colours: black, blue, white
    egg colour: white/cream
    comment: Exhibition fowl.
    * breed: Sebright
    origin: England
    colours: Gold, Silver (each feather laced)
    egg colour: white/cream
    comment: Male is hen feathered, breed created for Exhibition
    * breed:Barbu d’Uccle
    origin: Belgium
    colours: blue quail, millefleur, porcelaine etc..
    egg colour: cream
    comment: feathered feet & legs, muffed and bearded.
    * breed: Barbu d’Anvers
    origin: Belgium
    colours: similar to Barbu d’Uccle
    egg colour: cream
    comment: breed very similar to Barbu d’Anvers, but has clean legs.
    Some breeds naturally go broody and hatch eggs successfully, while others seldom go broody and make bad mothers. Rather than list all the breeds that are sitters (ie they successfully go broody), I will only list breeds that are non-sitters. This way, if your breed is not listed, then it should have no problem in hatching out eggs.
    Non-Sitters: Ancona, Andalusian, Bresse, Campine, Hamburg, Lakenvelder, Leghorn, Minorca, Old English Peasant Fowl, Poland, Redcap, Scots Grey, Silican Buttercup, Spanish, Welsummer.
    For ducks, the Indian Runner is the only breed that is a Non- Sitter.

    Key Reference :Mr. Andy Vardy
    P.O. Box 7
    Tallangatta, Vic. 3700

    Muhammad Ramzan Rafique
    Muhammad Ramzan Rafique

    I am from a small town Chichawatni, Sahiwal, Punjab , Pakistan, studied from University of Agriculture Faisalabad, on my mission to explore world I am in Denmark these days..

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