Plant Propagation by Cottage


“Cottage is a method of asexual propagation in which a portion of any Vegative part such as stem, leaf or root is cut from the parent plant and is placed under favorable environmental condition to form roots and shoots, thus producing a new independent plant.”

A) Stem Cutting:

This is the most important type of cutting and can be divide into three types based on the nature of the wood used in marketing the cutting.
i) Hard wood cutting ii) Semi- hard wood cutting iii) Soft- wood cutting.
In propagated by stem cuttings, segment of shoots containg lateral or terminal buds handled under proper condition to develop adventitious roots and form independent palnts.

i) Hard Wood Cuttings:

E.g. Grape, pomegranate, fig, mulberry, Acalypa, Rose etc. This is last expensive and easiest method. Hard wood cuttings are not readily  perishable and may be shifted safely over long distance , if necessary.  
The cutting usually prepared during the dormant season and from the wood of the previous season growth.

ii) Semi – hard Wood Cuttings:

E.g. . Eranthemum. The cuttings are prepared from now shoot just after a flush of growth which is partially matured.

iii) Soft Wood Cutting:

E.G Coleus, pilea, alternanthea, etc. these types of cuttings are also made from succulent, herbaceous green plants such as carnation, portulaces, etc. These cuttings are always made with leaves attached to stem.

B) Leaf Cuttings:

In these type cuttings, the leaf blade, sometimes with petiole, is utilized in starting a new plant. In most cases adventitious roots and an adventitious shoot develop at the leaf base. The following are the various types of leaf cuttings.

i) Leaf Blade Cuttings:

The long tapering leaves into 2 to 3 pieces are inserted into sand, and after some time a new leaf from at the base of the piece. E.g. snake plant.

ii) Leaf Vein Cutting:

In this type of cutting the new plant develops from the leaf vein at the base of the leaf piece. E.g Begonia rex.

iii) Leaf Margin Cutting:

In this case new plants arise from foliar embryos in the notches at the leaf margin.

iv) Leaf Bud Cutting:

This type of cutting consists of a leaf blade, petiole, and a short piece of the stem with the attached axillary bud. E.g blackberry, camellia.

C) Root Cuttings:

In preparing root cuttings the period when the plant is in rapid growth must be avoided. It is important to maintain the correct polarity when planting the root cuttings. E.g. Guava, pahadi gulab, India cork tree.

Original Article Here

Muhammad Ramzan Rafique
Muhammad Ramzan Rafique

I am from a small town Chichawatni, Sahiwal, Punjab , Pakistan, studied from University of Agriculture Faisalabad, on my mission to explore world I am in Denmark these days..

Articles: 4630

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