Maturity Sings of Red Pumpkin:
1. Fruits require 110 to 120 days for maturity from sowing.
2. Fruits should be harvested at full stage of maturity when the rind has hardened.
3. Colour changes from green to yellow or orange. Some varieties remain green only after full maturity.
Harvesting of Red Pumpkin:
The fruits are harvested manually by keeping a portion of stem attached. The fruits are placed in heap and allowed to cure for a few days.
Maturity Signs of Gourds:
1. Tender fruits are harvested.
2. Proper stage of maturity in bottle gourd, sponge gourd and ridge is judged by
a) Its fruit size
b) The gentle press of finger nails which easily penetrate the epidermis.
c) Plugging the fruits which show fine tender flesh and quite immature seeds. However, this test makes the fruit unfit for market.
3. In most cases fruits require 12 to 15 days after pollination to attain marketable size.
Harvesting of Gourds:
Harvesting is done at short intervals. The fruits are harvested manually by keeping a portion of stem attached.
Source : agriinfoa