Probably one of the most common colours of plant in the world, due to the chlorophyll in most plants giving it a green colouring. Shades of green in plants are as varied as any other colour and you can have tones ranging from deep jade to light mint.
One of the most well-known green plants is aloe, which is used in countless beauty and medicinal products around the world. Plants that grow vegetables also fall into this category, with popular ones such as asparagus and spring onion grown in gardens everywhere.
Here below a list of green plants by botanical name and common name:
adiantum, maidenhair fern
alocasia, elephant’s ear plant, taro
aloe, Barbados aloe, medicine plant, true aloe
anigozanthos, kangaroo paw
anthurium, painter’s palette, flamingo flower
asparagus, ming fern (a. densiflorus)
asplenium, birds nest fern
beaucarnia (nolina), elephant’s foot, ponytail plant
blechnum gibbum, tree fern
calathea makoyana, cathedral windows
calathea zebrine, zebra plant
capsicum, ornamental pepper
ceropegia woodii, rosary vine
chamaedorea, parlour palm
chlorophytum, spider plant
codiaeum, Joseph’s coat, croton
cordyline, mountain cabbage tree
crassula, money tree, jade plant
cryptanthus, earth star
ctenanthe, never-never plant
cymbidium, cymbidium orchid
cyperus, papyrus
dieffenbachia, dumbcane
dionaea, venus fly trap
dracaena fragrans, corn lily, dracena
dracaena marginata, dragon tree
dracaena reflexa, song of India
epipremnum (= scindapsus), pothos
euphorbia trigona, tree euphorbia
ficus benjamina, weeping fig
ficus elastic, rubber plant
ficus lyrata, fiddle-leaf fig
ficus pumila, creeping fig
fittonia, snakeskin plant
heptapleurum (chefflera), umbrella plant
hedera, ivy
hypoestes, polkadot plant
monstera, swiss cheese plant
musa, banana
nephrolepis, boston fern, sword f., fishbone f.
nolina recurvata (beaucarnia), ponytail palm, elephant’s foot
opuntia, bunny’s ear cactus
peperomia, green-ripple plant
philodendron scandens, sweetheart vine
philodendron selloum, lacy philodendron
phoenix, date palm
platycerium, staghorn fern, elkhorn fern
rhipsalis cassutha, mistletoe cactus
sanseveria, mother-in-law’s tongue
sarracenia, pitcher plant
schefflera (heptapleurum), umbrella plant
sedum, stonecrop
syngonium, goosefoot plant
tolmiea, piggyback plant
tradescantia, wandering jew
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