1. What is Vaccine?
Ans: It is a pathogenic organism that is killed or inactivated and injected to cause antibody production.
2. What is the importance of Parasitology?
Ans: Parasites compete with the animal for food and thus animal comes under a stress that directly effects the production & efficiency of animals.
1. What is Vaccine?
Ans: It is a pathogenic organism that is killed or inactivated and injected to cause antibody production.
2. What is the importance of Parasitology?
Ans: Parasites compete with the animal for food and thus animal comes under a stress that directly effects the production & efficiency of animals.
3. Name two species of Fasciola?
Ans. 1) Fasciola hepatica
2) Fasciola gigantica.
4. What is end to end anastomosis?
Ans; The necrosed/dead position of intestine is removed and the two live portions are again joined.
5. Name two commonly used anticoagulants?
Ans: EDTA, Heparin
6. What is choke?
Ans: Obstruction of oesophagus
7. How the coccidiosis is confirmed in poultry?
Ans: By making a slide from the wall of intestine & observing coccidial
8. What is holophytic nutrition in parasites?
Ans: In which they can synthesize their food due to presence of chromatophores having chlorophyll.
9. What is holozoic nutrition in Parasites?
Ans: In which the parasites ingest food through temporary or permanent
10. What is puberty?
Ans: It is the state at which animal is able to reproduce.
11. Name two skin glands?
Ans: a) Sweat glands b) Sebaceous glands
12. What is Catgut?
Ans: It is a thread used for internal suturing.
13. What is the use of silk in surgery?
Ans: It is a thread used to suture the outermost skin.
14. What is difference b/w wound & ulcer?
Ans: Ulcer is deeper than wound and involves much layers of tissues.
15. What is Coitus?
Ans: The mating of male & female is called coitus when the penis is in
16. What are the venereal diseases?
Ans: Which are transmitted during copulation/coitus.
17. Name two viral diseases in Cats?
Ans: a) Feline Pan leukopenia b) Leukemia
18. What is autogenous Vaccine?
Ans: Vaccine that is prepared by taking the tissue from the infected animal and is injected the same animal for treatment.
19. What are the three forms of glanders?
Ans: 1) Nasal 2) Cutaneous 3) Respiratory
20. Define Microbiology
Ans: Study of microorganisms
21. What is a Vector?
Ans: It is an organism that transmits the disease from one animal to the
other animal.
22. What is Anatomy?
Ans: Study of internal Structure of the body.
23. What is Vasectomy?
Ans: It is the removal of a piece of vas deference.
24. What is Castration?
Ans: Removal of testes making the male unable to continue generation.
25. Name two metabolic diseases?
Ans: a)Ketosis b) Milk fever
26. What are the two uses of levamisol?
Ans: a)Immune stimulant b)Anthelmentic
27. What are NSAIDS?
Ans: These are Non Steroidal Anti Inflammatory Drugs.
28. Name few life threatening disease of dogs?
Ans: a) Canine distemper b)Canine hepatitis
c)Parvo virus
29. What is milk fever?
Ans: it is a condition in cow after parturition in which animal is unable to stand due to deficiency of Ca++.
30. What is active ingredient of Oncovin?
Ans: Vincrystin Sulphate
31. What is the mode of action of anticancerous drugs?
Ans: Antimitotic
32. What is EPG?
Ans: It is egg per gram of faeces measured to diagnose the extent of
33. Can the heart be beaten outside the body? if yes, why?
Ans: Yes, because it has its own intrinsic nervous system.
34. Name few organs of abdominal cavity?
Ans: Liver, Spleen, Stomach, Intestine.
35. Name organs of Pelvic cavity?
Ans: Uterus, bladder, Ovaries.
36. Name organ of thoracic cavity?
Ans: Heart, Lungs.
37. What is the fluid for transportation in insects?
Ans: Haemolymph.
38. What is cleft palate?
Ans: When the palate is divided into two halves through a cleft. It is called cleft palate. It is mostly congenital.
39. What is hare lip?
Ans: It is a condition in which the lips are cut and divided into two parts just like hare.
40. What is metastasis?
Ans: It is a process in which the cancer cells spread to different tissues from one site through blood & lymph.
41. What is the intermediate host?
Ans: It is the organism/animal in which few developmental stages of parasite take place for the completion of the life cycle. The parasite may or may not be harmful to the intermediate host.
42. What is Mechanical & Biological Vector?
Ans: Vector in which the few developmental stages of parasite take place is called biological vector. While the vector which simply transmits the parasite without any developmental stage to take place in it is called Mechanical Vector.
43. Why we define cancer as PPP?
Ans: PPP stands for Persistent purposeless proliferation we say this because in cancer growth/proliferation is continuous without any purpose.
44. What is myasis?
Ans: When the wound is filled with the larvae of different flies due to unhygienic measures we call this condition as myasis.
45. Name three flies important in Vet. Parasitism?
Ans: a) Tsetse fly b) Warble fly c) Horse fly
46. What are “bots”
Ans: Larvae of Gastrophilus species of flies are called “bots”.
47. What is culture media?
Ans: It is the environment that we provide to the microorganisms (including temperature, pH, nutrition etc) to grow.
48. What is PCR?
Ans: It stands for polymerase chain reaction. It is a diagnostic test with the help of which we can detect even a minute piece of viral DNA in a sample. It involves polymerase enzyme transcription media.
49. What is blood brain barrier?
Ans: some drugs are lipophillic (fat loving) and others are hydrophilic (Water loving) the former has ability to pass from blood to brain tissue (nerves) because of receptors and latter cannot do so. This selective barrier between blood and brain is called blood brain barrier.
50. What is electron microscope?
Ans: Microscope which uses a beam of electron instead of light to make the visible image. It can resolve thing less than 0.2u(micron) in diameter.
51. What is veterinarius?
It is Latin word which means animal’s doctor.
52. What is veterinarian?
One who treats the diseases and injuries of animals.
53. Define veterinary anatomy?
It is the study of form, shape, construction
and development of animals. 54. What is veterinary pharmacology?
It is the science of drugs and their effects
55. What is pharmacokinetics?
It deals with the fate of drugs in the body.
on the body of living system.
57. What is toxicology?
It is the study of poisons and poisonings.
56. What is pharmacy or pharmaceutics?
It deals with preparation, compounding and dispensing of drugs.
58. What is chemotherapy?
It deals with the use of drugs to destroy invading organisms.
59. Define antibiotic?
It is a chemical substance produced by a micro-organism.
60. What is veterinary physiology?
It is the science which treats with function of the animals.
61. Define veterinary pathology?
It is the branch of medicine which deals with diseases of animals.
62. Define veterinary parasitology?
It is scientific study of parasites and parasitism.
63. What is veterinary medicine?
It deals with the diagnosis, treatment and control of diseases of
64. What is veterinary surgery?
It is the branch of medicine which deals with diseases, injuries by
manual and operative methods.
65. Define neurology?
It is the study of nervous system.
66. What is theriogenology?
It is study of veterinary obstetrics and genital diseases in male and
female animals. 67. What is disease?
It is the condition in which an individual shows an anatomical,
chemical or physiological deviation from normal.
68. Define sign?
It is the objective evidence of a diseases.
69. What is clinical diagnosis?
It is made on the basis of history as narrated by the owner and
70. Define splanchnology?
It is description of visceral organs.
71. What is angiology?
It is the study of organs of circulation.
72. What is anemia?
It is the decrease in oxygen carrying capacity of blood cells.
73. What is glanders?
It is the bacterial disease of horses.
74. What is Chronic respiratory disease (CRD)
It is slow spreading respiratory disease of poultry
75. What is hypothermia?
Lowering of body temperature than normal.
76. Toxlmia?
Presence of toxins in blood.
77. What is septicemia?
Presence of pathogenic organisms and toxins in the blood.
78. Define hypersensitivity?
It is state of increased body reaction to any foreign substance
79. What is syncope?
It is the sudden collapse and loss of consciousness.
80. What is edema?
Abnormal accumulation of fluid in the body cavities.
81. What is cynosis?
It is coloration of skin due to incomplete oxygenation of blood.
82. What is pneumonia?
It is an inflammation of pulmonary parenchyma.
83. Define dermatitis?
It is the inflammation of skin.
84. What is urtcaria?
It is the allergic condition characterized by swelling on skin.
85. What is posology?
It deals with doses of drugs.
86. What are anticoagulant drugs?
These are the agents which prevent the clotting of blood. e.g.
heparine, EDTA.
87. What are styptics?
These are the substances used by local application to arrest
89. What is histamine?
It is pharmacologically potent biogenic amine which is found in
90. Define histology?
It is the study of minute structure, composition and function of
91. What is epidemiology?
It is the study of frequency distribution and determination of
disease or health in a population.
92. What is disease?
An attraction of the boby function at the cellular level causing
malfunction of systems or organs.
93. What is pathogen?
Disease producing agent.
94. What is an infection?
To enter or invade another organism and disturb the normal body function.
95. What is contamination?
To be covered or soiled by infections, toxic or foreign agents.
96. What is lesion?
Damage or injury to body tissue that may or may not cause malfunction.
97. What are toxins?
Poisonous substances.
98. What are anti-toxins?
Antibodies formed within the animal to neutralize toxins.
99. What is antigen?
Disease causing agent, toxins or foreign material that stimulates immune response. e.g. the actual disease or a vaccine.
100. Define inflammation?
The body response to an irritant or injury.
101. What is contagious?
Infectious agent spread by contact susceptible with sick.
102. Define dehydration?
State of being critically low on body fluids, water.
103. What is asympomatic?
No apparent signs or symploms.
104. What an interferon?
A natural antiviral agent produced by living cells in response to viral infection.
105. What is hemorrhage?
The escape of blood from vessels.
106. What is lactation?
Production of milk.
Very good for learning purpose