(1)     What is Agricultural Extension?

Ans:- The most logical, scientific and systematic method of disseminating new knowledge and skills to farmers to aid them in successfully adopting and making a more efficient use of their land and allied resources.


(2)     What is adult education?




(1)     What is Agricultural Extension?

Ans:- The most logical, scientific and systematic method of disseminating new knowledge and skills to farmers to aid them in successfully adopting and making a more efficient use of their land and allied resources.

(2)     What is adult education?

Ans:- A process of bringing desirable or positive change in the behavior of adults or positive change in the behavior of adults.

(3)     What is continuing education?

Ans:- Continuing education is a type of education which is meant for those who are already educated.

(4)     What is technical and vocational education?

Ans:- It involves a system of education designed to impact training in different skills.

(5)     What is attitude?

Ans:- A predisposition of an individual to act in a particular way, may either be positive or negative toward a given object.

(6)     What is individual contact method?

Ans:- The Extension method in which contact is individual to individual is known as individual contact method.

(7)     What is group contact method?

Ans:- The method in which contact is personal to group or group to group.

(8)     What is mass contact method?

Ans:- The contact of farmers and Extension workers by radio, television print media and on Exhibition is called mass contact method.

(9)     What is formal education:-

Ans:- It is the type of education which is given in the four walls of an educational institution. There are many formalities like admission, attendance, dues, examination, etc.

(10)    What is informal education?

Ans:- It is the type of education which is given outside the four walls of an educational institution. People participate voluntarily according to their interest.

(11) What is Agricultural development?

Ans:- Any effort to make our agriculture more productive is called Agri-development.

(12) What is rural development?

Ans:- Any effort to improve the rural area’s life and living is called Rural development.

(13)    What is process of communication?

Ans:­- The transfer of information from one person to another is called the process of communication.

(14)    What is fidelity?

Ans:- It is the accuracy with which the source communicates the message or the receiver receives it.

(15)    What is Noise?

Ans:- Noise is the factor in each of elements of communication that can reduce its effectiveness.

(16)    What is the adoption process?

Ans:- The mental process through which an individual passes from first hearing about an innovation to its final adoption is called the adoption process.

(17) What are the steps in adoption process?

Ans:-  (1)     Awareness    (2)     Interest

(3)     Evaluation    (4)     Trial

(5)    Adoption

(18)    What is Diffusion?

Ans:-The process of spreading innovations with in a community of farmers is called diffusion process?

(19)    Whose farmers are innovators?

Ans:- The innovators are the first farmers in a locality to adopt an innovation.

(20)    Whose Farmers are early adopters?

Ans:- Early adopters are those who quickly follow the lead step by the innovators.

(21)    Whose Farmers called early majority?

Ans:- The early majority is made up of those who watch the innovators and Early adopters and consequently when impressed by their success, adopt the innovation.

(22)    Whose Farmers Called Late majority?

Ans:- The Late majority is composed of those who are conservative more then normally careful and who do not adopt the new practices until most of their neighbors have already made the change.

(23)    Whose Farmers are laggards?

Ans:- Laggards are the last to adopt an innovation.

Muhammad Ramzan Rafique
Muhammad Ramzan Rafique

I am from a small town Chichawatni, Sahiwal, Punjab , Pakistan, studied from University of Agriculture Faisalabad, on my mission to explore world I am in Denmark these days..

Articles: 4630


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