v Higher the age of the girl, Good/Better will be the eating habit
v Higher the education of the girl, Good/Better will be the eating habit
v Higher the family income of the respondents, Good/Better will be the eating habit
Teenage is the age 13-19 years old. Healthy eating play an important role in life of human beings. In every part of the world and life stage, there is always an influence of environment, religion, economic and culture on the eating habits of the people. Majority of respondents taking pratha and tea in breakfast.
The study was conducted in the rural areas of Sangla Hill. Two Union Councils were selected UC #22 and UC # 31 through simple random sampling techniques, and from these union councils 4 villages were selected through simple random sampling technique then 2 villages Dhair (CHAK NO# 29 RB), Wensabad (CHAK NO#31 RB) from UC#22 and Padorian (CHAK NO 122 RB) , Serrianwalibelhre (CHAK NO #123 RB) fromUC 31. Samples of 160 respondents were selected through convenient sampling technique. Respondents was only teenage females of these areas
1. 35.6% respondents belongs to age group 18-19 years old.
2. 38.1% were middle passed.
3. 93.8% were unmarried.
4. 38.8% were doing job i.e. Agriculture, Teaching etc.
5. 73.8% were eating 3-4 times in a day.
6. 95% were taking breakfast.
7. 66.9% were taking pratha and tea in breakfast.
8. 94.4% were taking Roti and Salin in Lunch.
9. 96.3% were taking Roti and Salin in Dinner.
10. 43.1% had 41-50 kg weight.
11. 65.3% were agreed that diet should be rich in protein (Fish, Eggs, Cheese, and Meat).
12. 61.3% were agreed that diet should be fat free.
13. 73.1% were agreed that Frying cooking is healthiest.
14. 50.6% were agreed that 2-liter water is needed for a female over 24-Hours.
15. 46.9% never walked for healthy life.
16. Significant association was found between weight and their eating habit.
17. Significant association was found between the education level of the respondents and their eating habit.
18. Significant association was found between age of respondent and their eating habit.
19. Significant association was found between income of respondent family and their eating habit.
Comparison with Ground Facts
Above mentioned points are
Highly Valid | Moderately Valid | Valid |
6-10,12,13 & 18 | 5,11,14 &17 | 1-4,15,16 & 19 |
Ø Vegetables should be used regularly which are potassium and often of the most essential nutrients. Try to adding small salad to every meal. Boiling vegetables can cook nutrients out of vegetables, use slightly steaming for cooking vegetables
Ø Buying fruits that are season
Ø Drink more water each day
Ø Consult with your doctor or dietitian for nutritional guidance