CIM 482
Type: Upland. Tetraploid (Gossypium hirsutum), medium staple.
Parentage: CIM 229 x CP 15/2.
Check: CIM 448.
Breeders: A. Salam, and M. Arshad, et al.
Centre: Central Cotton Research Institute (PCCC), Multan.CIM 482
Type: Upland. Tetraploid (Gossypium hirsutum), medium staple.
Parentage: CIM 229 x CP 15/2.
Check: CIM 448.
Breeders: A. Salam, and M. Arshad, et al.
Centre: Central Cotton Research Institute (PCCC), Multan.
Maintainer: CCRI, Multan.
Status: Released, 2000 (Punjab). Registered 2003.
Growth habit: erect to semi-erect, medium maturing (120-140 days), stem-tip-hairiness profuse and pigmentation medium. Lodge tolerant.
Height and branching: Medium height (110-130 cm), nodes to first fruiting branch 5-7, monopodia 0-4, sympodia 15-25, semi erect and short.
Foliage: Foliage medium dense, medium green, medium hairy, and nectaried, leaf length 13.0, width 20.0, stalk 16.0 cm.
Flower: Flowering medium early. Flower medium, nectaried, petals creamy with dark spot, calyx intermediate, pollen creamy, stamen medium dense, semi-erect, stigma medium (15-20 mm), medium exsertion (3-5 mm).
Boll: Medium large sized, 4-5 locked, roundish, wide at above base, with very short beak. Surface smooth, and gossypol normal, opening good. Bolls/plant 30-40, boll weight 4.5 g, length 5.0, width 3.3, peduncle 2.5 cm, bracteole normal and size medium. Opened boll tip sharp.
Yield kg/ha: Seed cotton 3000.0
Fiber: GOT 39.2 %, Staple length 29.0 mm, Micronaire 4.5, Strength 98.0 tppsi, Uniformity 46.6 %.
Seed: Seed Index 8.0 g, size medium, length 8.0, width 5.0 mm, Seeds fuzzy, dusky whitish.
Leaf curl virus (CLCV): Tolerant.
Variants: Habit varies when sown early, late, spaced or terminal bud damaged.
Leading characters: CIM 482 medium tall growing, leaf color medium green, medium hairy, sticky shedding of flowers present, typical dark spot at petal base, pollen creamy, boll roundish, medium early in opening, boll opening good. Seed fuzzy, dusky white.
by Dr. Akhlaq Hussain, Muhammad Ibrahim, Munir Ahmed Naz