As individuals move through adolescence and early adulthood years,they are faced many educational and work tasks that require effective memory and study strategies.
Some important and effective strategies are as follows:
Pay attention and minimize distraction:
Paying attention helps you remember something …
As individuals move through adolescence and early adulthood years,they are faced many educational and work tasks that require effective memory and study strategies.
Some important and effective strategies are as follows:
Pay attention and minimize distraction:
Paying attention helps you remember something.monitor how well you pay attention.if you find yourself becoming distracted,cue yourself aloud with a word or phrase like “focus “ or “zero in”.
Understand the material raher than memorize:
Rehearsal work well for enoding information into short term memory ,but if you need to remember information over a long time ,give the information meaning,elaborate on it,and personalize it.
Organize what you put in memory:
You will remember information better if you organize It hierachically.Arrange information ,rework material,and give it a structure to help you remember it.
Use mnemonics:
Mnemonics are specific aids for remembering a list of items or specific facts.these aids may use words or are 3 types of mnemonics:
- The method ofloci is a strategy in which you develop images` of items to be remembered and imagine each item stored in familiar locations (which is what locimeans).For example,if you need to remember a list of concepts ,you can mentally place each in the rooms of a house that you are familiar with,such as living room,kitchen,draeng room etc.When you need to retrive the information,you imagine the house ,mentally go through the rooms ,and retrive the concepts.
- Acronyms aree words created from the first letters of items to be remembered .For example ,HOMES can be used for remembering the Great Lakes :Huron,Ontario,Michigan,erie,and superior.
- The keyword method attaches vivid imagery to important words.for example,if you need to remember Daka is the capital of Bangladesh,you might creat image of two apples are in the car.The strategy is to help you associate apple with DAKA and in the car with Bangladesh.
Ask yourself questions:
When you ask questions to yourself about what you have read or an activity ,you expand the number of associatios you make with the information easier to retrive .As you read,periodically ask yourself questions ,such as “ what is the meaning of what I just read ‘”why is this important?’”and what is an example of this concept?
Spread out and consolidate your learning:
Distribute your learning over a long period rather than cramming at the last minute.Craming tends to produce short term memory that is not deeply processed .Regularly review what you learn.then give yourself a final, concentrated pretest tuneup.
Cognitively monitor your progress:
Cognitive Monitoring involve taking stock of your progress.for example,summarize what you have read and restudy those parts tht were unclear ..
Be a good time manager and planner:
Managing time effectively and planning for lots of time to study will be necessary to do well academically .how many hours ydo you need to study for each hour you in class?study skill s experts report that students who make high grades typically spend a minimum of 2 ,and in som e cases 3,hours studying outside of class for every hour they spend in class(santrock and halon,2004).that means if you are in class 15 hours a week,you likely will need to manage your time to study 30 to 45 hours outside of class each week if you want to make high grades.
Pray to ALLAH to learning:
In Quran and hadith,there are many prayers to improve learning.Recite it and try to make a habit that before to study ,do wazu.
Learn things with a thought to serve humanity. Definitely ALLAH will help you.
Sent By: Anam Abbas
Bsc (hons) H.E
Major: Human Development And Family Studies