Issues related to “Rural Development” along solutions Some of the issues are playing very important

Some of the issues are playing very important role in the way of development and they act as hurdles and barriers. This document focuses not only on current problems in rural development but also give the suggestions of sustainable rural development.


Issues related to “Rural Development” along solutions

Some of the issues are playing very important role in the way of development and they act as hurdles and barriers. This document focuses not only on current problems in rural development but also give the suggestions of sustainable rural development.

1. Gender discrimination: when we think about gender discrimination is going towards peak in our villages and most of the issues are generated by gender. Our 52% population is female population but still our society is a male oriented society and women is kept under pressure and been cruelled by man. So, that the women is taking part in development as she will take. Women’s are being suppressed in any span of time and thus, it will appear as a chief barrier in the way of sustainable rural development.

2. Lack of education: Education is the best way to modernize you towards betterment. Education is integral part of the development. Pakistani rural people lack education and thus, they refuse development. People of rural are not seems to educate themselves and their next generation and still live in dark as their ancestors.

3. Living styles of rural people: The living style of rural people is backward and they are still happy in this kind of living styles. Most of their ancestors are tenants and this interest is transmitted to generation-to-generation. Most of the rural people live under the supremacy and authority of land lords and they depend on them on every aspect of life. The land lords enjoy the supreme power on the work done by the poor rural people. This kind of the land lords are the chief cause of lack of education in their area. They are not committed to educate their rural people with a fear in their heart to loss their power and authority.

4. Less crop production: because of less availability of farm equipment and modern techniques to enhance their crop production. Agriculture is the only source of earning for the rural people and because of less awareness about new and better technologies and late adoption the rural people are not actually meets the development level.

5. Shortage of credit: agriculture and other social needs demands money and investments. If a farmer is not having finance and investment his crop must be failed.  So, the micro credit and finance availability is the major issue of rural development.

6. A diminishing urban-rural divide: rural and urban livelihoods are inter-dependent, and there is rarely a sharp geographical divide between rural and peri urban.  Rural development strategies must take account of the urban links and context.

7. Diversified livelihoods: There are few full-time farmers now, as households pursue multi-functional and multi-spatial livelihoods support to the non-farm rural economy and to migration are as important as agricultural support.

8. Small-holder farming in less-favored areas faces new challenges: more households consist of part-time farmers, work smaller plots and are headed by the elderly, young and women, so face severe credit and input constraints; access to subsidies and extension services has diminished; market changes increase the need for specialist techniques, quality control, information-intensive technologies and marketing involving high transaction costs – factors which provide larger farms with economies of scale. Targeted assistance is needed where small-scale farming can be competitive; otherwise small farmers need good exits from farming.

9. Reverse state compression: a strong state is needed to underpin the market and enable private sector development. Public interventions are needed to increase access to new opportunities (agricultural or non-farm) specifically by the poor, and to establish the institutional framework for effective market development.


Technological targeting: production increases based on the seed-fertilizer model of the Green Revolution have slowed. New technologies are likely to be more crop and region specific, and information-intensive. Technical change is biased against the poor. Policies to target technologies need to be location specific. Public intervention is particularly required in developing technologies and information channels appropriate to poor farmers.

Rural risks and vulnerability: the rural poor face new risks due to increasing natural disasters and rapid economic change.  External support for risk-mitigation and coping strategies is generally insufficient. Public and private roles in supporting insurance and risk-coping need to be strengthened, which in turned depends on the fiscal burden being addressed.


v Should improve the participation of rural women in the stream line.

v Education structure and literacy must enhance.

v Jagirdar system to be ended in the villages to make rural people independent in their life decisions.

v Improved crop production techniques and mechanized the small holdings.

v Credit and sufficient finance should make available so that no farmer think about finance before adopting any new technology.

v Make urban – rural balance.

v Part time jobs beside agriculture income to uplift them.

v Grow the small scale industries for rural women.

v Large holding and state land should divided in the pieces and give to small land holders and land less tenants.

v Improved and well developed market system and arose a common market.

v Make strong structural framework to make rural people less vulnerable to natural disasters and risks.


Muhammad Ramzan Rafique
Muhammad Ramzan Rafique

I am from a small town Chichawatni, Sahiwal, Punjab , Pakistan, studied from University of Agriculture Faisalabad, on my mission to explore world I am in Denmark these days..

Articles: 4630

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