Management of green mold in button mushroom


Hafiz Muhammad Arslan Abid, Nasir Ahmed Khan, Muhammad Nasir, Sajjad Manzoor Muhammad Tayyab, Muhammad Hamza

(University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan)

Mushroom is a perishable fruiting body which grows above ground on the surface of soil. Mushrooms are saprophytic basidiomycete grown on dead organic waste materials mostly deciduous hardy plants. Mushrooms is edible and consumed worldwide. Having low fat percentage it is a good alternate for the high blood pressure and diabetes infected patients. Mushrooms are rich in minerals such as Calcium, Iron, Phosphorus, Potassium, Zinc and contains a variety of vitamins like B1, B2, C, D, Folic acid and Niacin amino acid

During the cultivation of mushrooms several disease affect and the most common and damaging one is green mold disease caused by fungus Trichoderma aggressivum var.aggressivum. This fungus has a damaging impact on button production and threatens its successful production. Its mode of entry is via unsterilized equipment. Other sources include improperly sterilized substrate material. When its incidence occur in growth room it affects badly and cause enormous yield loss.

Morphologically green mold can be distinguished as dense white mycelial growth with green patches at random sites on the surface of mushroom pileus. Spores of the fungi are transmitted by mites, flies and growth room workers. Red pepper mite is the insect vector of the disease.

For its effective management, the hygienic conditions should be promptly maintained inside the growing chamber, all the equipment and worker clothes should be properly decontaminated. Proper sterilization of substrate compost is very necessary for high yield. In case of contamination of substrate it should be properly disposed far away from the growing chamber. Proper ventilation and air filter system should be available across the growing chamber. Insect vector should be kept away from the mushroom growing chamber. On mushroom if the incidence is reported than spread of salt can help in retarding the disease.



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