NITROGEN Def. Yellowing of leaves.
POTASSIUM Def. Necrosis of stem and fruits.
NITROGEN Def. Yellowing of tips progressing along midrib & leaf become brown.
POTASSIUM Def: Brown edge scorching leaves
NITROGEN: Def. Yellow color of foliage and slow growth.
Mag Def. Purplish red color with green veins.
NITROGEN Def. Distinct loss of chlorophyll at leaf margins with light green color in the center.
POTASSIUM Def. Bronzing and yellowing of leaves with dead edges.
Crop | Nutrients | Deficiency Symptoms | |
A Field Crops | |||
1. Wheat | Nitrogen | Leaves pale green, less tillering, shoots dwarfed. | |
Phosphorous | Leaves bluish green with purplish, less tillering. | ||
Calcium | Plants stunted, with high mortality of seedlings. Leaf tips chlorotic and die back. | ||
Magnesium | Older leaves much yellow and show dying off, the younger leaves, generally slightly pale green, later turning brownish. | ||
Potassium | Internodes short, leaves slightly chlorite, bluish green, tips generally scorched. | ||
2. Maize | Manganese | Leaves with intervenial white streaks. | |
Nitrogen | Leaves pale green, stems and leaves show red tint. | ||
Phosphorous | Stem and leaves with purplish tine, leaves pale green. | ||
Potassium | Internodes short, leaf margins brown and scorched. | ||
3. Brassica | Nitrogen | Leaves pale green older leaves with reddish to purplish tints, leaves defoliate early. | |
Phosphorous | Leaves with dull appearance. | ||
Calcium | Chlorotic young leaves, leaf tips brown and margins scorched. | ||
Potassium | Leaves dark green, curling backwards, scorching of the leaf margins. | ||
4. Sugar beet | Nitrogen | Leaves pale green, plants with stunted growth. | |
Phosphorous | Leaves dull green, plants with stunted growth. | ||
Calcium | Marginal scorching of older leaves and death of the growing points. | ||
Magnesium | Chlorosis near leaf margins and on tips, later necrosis develops. | ||
Manganese | Older leaves get wilted and scorched, also puckering of leaves. | ||
B. Vegetable Crops | |||
1. Potato | Nitrogen | Leaves pale green, plants with stunted growth, older leaves turn yellow and defoliate early. | |
Phosphorous | Leaves dull green, with scorched margins. | ||
Potassium | Internodes short, leaves curl backward, near the margins, Leaves bluish green with bronzed appearance and scorched margins. | ||
2. Beans | Nitrogen | Growth retarded, leaves small pale green early defoliation | |
Phosphorous | Stem dwarfed and thin, early defoliation, leaves show bronzing | ||
Calcium | Growth stunted, young leaves distorted, growing points die out. | ||
Magnesium | Older leaves slightly pale with intervenial Chlorosis. | ||
Potassium | Short internodes, leaf margins scorched. | ||
3.Peas | Phosphorus | Leaves becoming dull green, less flowering, growth stunted. | |
Calcium | Growth restricted, leaves with intervenial Chlorosis, wilting or older leaves. | ||
Potassium | Internodes short, growth retarded. | ||
Boron | Growth stunted and stems brittle. Larger leaves with intervenial Chlorosis. | ||
4. Carrot | Nitrogen | Plant’s growth stunted. Leaves pale green. Reddish tinge developing on older leaves. | |
Phosphorous | Foliage showing purplish tinge. Plant growth rather restricted. | ||
Magnesium | Prominent Chlorosis for older leaves. | ||
Potassium | Scorching of tips of older leaves, later becoming brownish and die off. | ||
Boron | Plants assuming bushy appearance. Young leaves distorted, showing some signs of chlorosis. | ||
5. Onion | Nitrogen | Growth stunted, foliage pale. Leaves die back from tips. | |
Phosphorous | Foliage showing dull green appearance, growth retarded. | ||
Potassium | Chlorosis of leaf tips, leaves dull green and die back from tips. | ||
Phosphorous | Plants dwarfed, leaves small, bluish green developing purplish tinge. | ||
7. Pepper | Nitrogen | Stunted plant growth, leaves small, yellow, and fruits yellow green. | |
Phosphorous | Restricted growth. Fruit small and leaves yellowish. | ||
Potassium | Small necrotic lesions along the vein of bronzed leaves. | ||
Calcium | Stunted growth, leaves dark green. Fruit small and darker green. | ||
8. Lettuce | Nitrogen | Leaves pale green, older leaves yellow and get withered. | |
Potassium | Restricted growth, leaves dark green. In case of severed deficiency, yellow spots develop near the tips of older leaves. | ||
Phosphorous | Plants stunted, dull and dark green, reddish purple tinge on the leaves. | ||
Magnesium | Yellowish margins of older leaves, later become scorched. | ||
9. Cucumber | Nitrogen | Restricted plant growth. Stem thin with yellowish leaves; fruits pale and of poor quality. | |
Phosphorous | Younger leaves small and dark grayish green. Both veins and intervenial areas becoming brownish. | ||
Potassium | Marginal chlorosis and browning of leaves, later spreading interveinally. Leaf margins turn brown and later dry out. | ||
Magnesium | Chlorosis and intervenial yellowing of fruit. | ||
Calcium | Yellowing of leaves. Plants show stunting, roots poorly developed, thicker and shorter. | ||
Sulphur | Upper leaf surface pale green, yellow, showing chlorosis. | ||
Iron | Yellowish green younger leaves. Plants short. | ||
Manganese | Intervenial chlorosis, veins remaining green. Growth retarded. | ||
C: Fodder crops | |||
Clover | Potassium | Brownish to whitish spots near leaf margins, later scorching of leaf margins, leaves also show some signs of Chlorosis. | |
Phosphorous | Leaves dull green. Plants with less foliage. Purplish or bronzed spots on leaf surface. | ||
Calcium | Growth restricted, young shoots with and die off. Leaf margins become brown to reddish brown. | ||
Magnesium | Yellowing of older leaves. Leaf margins become brown to reddish brown. | ||
D: Fruit plants | |||
1-Apple | Phosphorous | Leaves small, dull green with purple to bronzed tint (tinge). | |
Potassium | Stunted growth leaves bluish green, slightly chlorotic. L margins scorched. | ||
Magnesium | Leaves with intervenial chlorosis, especially near margins. | ||
Nitrogen | Leaves smaller, pale green, leaves fall early. Fruit small. | ||
Calcium | Leaf margins scorched, curling upward. | ||
2. Strawberry | Phosphorous | Leaves dull green. Older leaves fall early. | |
Manganese | Chlorosis of margins. | ||
Magnesium | Yellowing of older leaves. | ||
Iron | Leaves chlorotic. | ||
E-Flowering Plants | |||
1. Poinsettia | Nitrogen | Leaves pale green and then yellow. Plant growth short, with reddish petiole. | |
Phosphorous | Older leaves yellow. Upper leaves darker green and lower leaves yellowish. Delayed flowering. | ||
Potassium | Lower leaves show yellowing of the margins. Veins dark green. Leaf margins later turn brown. | ||
Calcium | Leaves become dark green with a reddish tint and tend to with. Leaves get defoliated. Internodes short. | ||
Magnesium | Stunting of plants, interveinal chlorosis of lower leaves. Necrotic spots developed along the margins. | ||
2. Chrysanthemum | Nitrogen | Leaves becoming pale green. Older leaves become yellow, then brown and die prematurely. Retarded plant growth. | |
Phosphorous | Plants dull green. Older leaves yellow and then brownish. Purplish red pigments also develop on leaves. | ||
Potassium | Browning of leaf margins and death of lower leaves. Curling of leaf margins downward and inward. Growth rate slows, with poor root system. | ||
Calcium | Initially slight loss in color and later development of brown spots on upper leaves, enlarging rapidly, afterwards distortion. | ||
Magnesium | Leaves become pale green, and then usually interveinal yellowing. Symptoms are prominent on young leaves. Growth is ceased. | ||
Copper | Dull green leaves, yellowing of veins, spreading toward margins. | ||
Zinc | Small yellow spots on middle and upper leaves. On enlarging become brown. | ||
Boron | Pale upper leaves with short internodes. Interveinal yellowing and downward curling. | ||
3. Carnation | Nitrogen | Older leaves turning yellow, necrosis of tips. | |
Phosphorous | Reduced growth. Stunted plants with narrow leaves. | ||
Potassium | Yellowish necrotic spots on upper and middle leaves. Affected regions become dried and shriveled. Slender and short stem with narrow leaves. | ||
Calcium | Plants pale green, tip burn of leaves. Necrotic spots on stem and also on leaves. | ||
Magnesium | Chlorosis of middle leaves, developing upward and downward. Leaves becoming yellow with light green veins. | ||
Copper | Stem becomes thin and weak. | ||