Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif on Saturday said that the position holders of Sindh, KPK, Balochistan and Gilgit-Baltistan would also get solar lamps.
The chief minister said this while presiding a meeting on “Khadime Punjab Ujala Programme” where he was briefed about the distribution of the lamps by the energy secretary.
At this occasion the CM said that a huge amount of Rs2.50 billion was being spent on Khadime Punjab Ujala Programme, which would enable brilliant students to continue their studies during loadshedding, besides being used at home.
The CM said that in the 65 years’ history of the country, it was for the first time that the Punjab Government of Pakistan Muslim League (N) had chalked out a welfare-oriented scheme for students, the Ujala Programme. He said brilliant students from government educational institutions, alongwith students of religious seminaries, technical educational institutions, Daanish schools and students of special education institutions would be given solar lamps free of cost.
The CM said that the worst energy crisis had made acquiring knowledge a difficult task, while agriculture, industry, commerce and other social sectors were also being affected badly.
He said that due to incompetence and corruption of rulers in Islamabad, energy crisis was worsening, which was negatively impacting the education sector, making it difficult for students to continue their academic activities.
Meanwhile, the CM also presided over a high-level meeting regarding progress in metro bus project at Model Town.
Addressing the meeting, the CM said that metro bus project was a milestone of the Punjab government. He said that Government of PML-N in Punjab was working for the uplift and welfare of the people of the province in real sense.
Addressing the meeting, the CM said that work on the metro bus project was continuing day and night. He said that the elements who were criticising the metro bus project, do not want the welfare of the common man.
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