Chief Minister Balochistan Nawab Mohammad Aslam Raisani has said that provincial government has won the Reko Diq case and has allocated Rs 8 billion for exploration of work. Talking to media here on Monday, he said that work on the Balochistan Gold and Copper Project will be initiated soon adding it would provide jobs to tens of thousands of jobless besides improving the life standard of the area people once started.
Provincial government has allocated Rs 8 billion for the investment purpose in Balochistan gold and copper project, CM Raisani maintained. Replying to a question about the no-confidence motion against Bhootani and electing new Speaker and deputy Speaker, he termed the entire process as success of democracy. We are the real custodians of democracy, other assemblies should learn lesson from Balochistan Assembly, he stressed. The legislators followed the norms of tribal society of the province and remain intact during the entire episode.