Onion rates show sharp increase on retail markets

Although the holy month of Ramazan is going to end in next few days, the rates of onion have sky-rocketed while the profiteers and hoarders seem to be looking to gain the maximum benefit from the people’s helplessness. Once again onion rate has sharply increased in retail markets of the city and the retailers blamed increase in onion prices to its short supply from upcountry and its hording.

The prices of onion jumped from Rs 15 per kg to Rs 40 per kg, potato increased from Rs 20 per kg to Rs 30 per kg. Price of mango increased from Rs 50 to Rs 60 per kg and prevailing at Rs 80 to Rs 100 per kg. The retiles said that mango season is going to end soon and its supply has been decreased considerably. However prices of grapes decreased from Rs 200 per kg at the advent of Ramazan to Rs 100 per kg, banana decreased from Rs 100 per dozen to Rs 50 per dozen, water melon Rs 70 per kg to Rs 50 per kg.

Price of largely consumed item during Ramazan prevail at Rs 200 per kg to Rs 500 per kg depend on quality of dates. Chicken meat price decrease from Rs 240 per kg and at present prevailing at Rs 170 to Rs 200 per kg in different areas of the city. Price of Baison (gram flour) prevail at Rs 130 per kg, yogurt Rs 96 to Rs 100 per kg and milk Rs 70-80 per liter.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2012

Muhammad Ramzan Rafique
Muhammad Ramzan Rafique

I am from a small town Chichawatni, Sahiwal, Punjab , Pakistan, studied from University of Agriculture Faisalabad, on my mission to explore world I am in Denmark these days..

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