The government is actively working to resolve concerns of industrial and agriculture sectors on granting Most Favoured Nation (MFN) status to India, federal Commerce Minister Makhdoom Amin Fahim said on Saturday. Acknowledging concerns of the two sectors, the minister said that he had discussed the issue with his Indian counterpart, Annad Sharma, and he “understands our problems”.
He said that delay in granting MFN statues was no relation with the upcoming general elections. “We want to protect our farming and industrial sectors. We do not want to grant MFN statues in haste without taking into account its impacts,” he said. Secretary Commerce Munir Qureshi said that the issue of granting MFN status to India would soon be put before the cabinet for approval.
Adviser to the Prime Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources Dr Asim Hussain said that natural gas deposits were being depleted at a very fast rate. He said that the country had no choice but to shift to local and imported LPG and LNG for future requirements. He asserted that no new license had been granted for opening new CNG station during his tenure. He said that the issue of CNG would soon be decided by the committee concerned.