Former Finance Minister of Pakistan and a founder member of Pakistan People”s Party Dr Mubashir Hasan has offered an unconditional apology to Chairman Khoski Sugar Mills Anver Majid for levelling baseless allegations on appointment of Deputy Governor (Banking) Ashraf Wathra and several others on Boards of financial institutions.
The apology says “I sincerely, publicly and without conditions, apologise in respect of the allegations levelled against you in my application filed in the Honourable Supreme Court of Pakistan. No sooner than the allegations had appeared in the media I realised that I had no basis for levelling the allegations in the application and I instructed my lawyer to withdraw the application from Honourable SCP.
I am sorry that my application brought you adverse publicly and you may disclose this letter or any part of it to any newspaper, news channel and/or the Honourable Supreme Court of Pakistan for the purpose of clarification. You are requested kindly to accept my apology in this matter which I see as my just desert for signing something without reading,” the apology added.