Former Law Minister Babar Awan has demanded the Prime Minister of announcing Kala Bagh Dam (KBD) immediately to overcome energy crisis. He was talking to media after inaugurating a book at a local hotel. It may be noted that inhabitants of Sindh province are deadly against any such move and President Asif Ali Zardari had shelved the project soon after the PPP took over Islamabad after 2008 elections.
Babar Awan is also not considered in good books of President Zardari. However, there were reports of a meeting between the two in recent past. But still the party sources believe that the ice has not been melted in required volume so far. Awan said the energy crisis has heightened unexpectedly and it is right to construct Kala Bagh Dam besides other measures to overcome energy crisis. Further, he said the government should negotiate Kashmir and water issues before mending relationships with India. Regarding a question about angry party workers, he said he does not believe in grouping in the party.