Types Of Reproduction With Their Advantages And Disadvantages

There are two types of reproduction: 1) sexual reproduction, 2) Asexual reproduction

1) Asexual Reproduction: –

It is type of reproduction which takes place without involvement of gametes and offspring are produced from single parent by mitotic cell division. The different methods of asexual reproduction in plants and animals are budding, grafting, cutting, layering, binary fission, multiple fission, spore formation, regeneration and parthenogenesis etc.


  1. i) This method is efficient.
  2. ii) A shorter time is taken for this process.

iii) Offspring’s are true to type in nature.


  • Non-mixing of hereditary material does not improve the genetic make up.
  • This method does not produce variety among the descendants.
  • If environmental conditions changes accidentally for a particular species, this would result in the death of all members of that species.

2) Sexual Reproduction:

It is type of reproduction which takes place with the involvement of gametes (fusion of male and female gametes occur).


  • Genetic variability is produced due to mixing of hereditary materials.
  • Genetic variability helps the organism to live successfully in changing environment.
  • Some offspring would survive, if most of them are wiped off by a disease.


  • Took more time as compared to asexual method of reproduction in growth, development and final maturity.
  • More time consuming as compared to asexual method of reproduction



Safeer Asad, Muhammad Wajid Khan, Muhammad Zubair, Rashad Mukhtar Balal and Muhammad Adnan Shahid,

Department of Horticulture, University College of Agriculture, University of Sargodha


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