Livestock plays an important role in the economy of our country. It provides job opportunities to majority of the rural population from which they earn their livelihood and contributes 9% share to the GDP and 37% to the Agriculture sector.
Beside this, it provides milk and meat for daily consumption to the over increasing human population, draught power for cropping and rural transport, field-yard-manure for soil fertilization, raw materials for industrial products and hides, skins and wool for earning of foreign exchange. It is also responsible for supplying 16% of the total household energy on the form of dung.
Another important benefit of livestock is the best utilization of the passive woman labor force which makes more than 50% of national population. Our rural women are mainly involved in Animal Poultry Husbandry practices such as feeding /grazing housing and milking of animals. This activity is the major source of cash income for rural woman to meet their daily needs.
Mandate/Objective of Livestock and Dairy Department:
The Directorate of L&DD undertakes to accomplish the following assigned tasks in discharge of its responsibility towards the development of livestock sector for the benefits of the public in general and the farming community in particular, in order to raise their income and living standard.
- Provision of animal health facilities and services to livestock farmers through curative and prophylactic measures; establishment and maintenance of veterinary hospitals, dispensaries and centers in functional order.
- Improvement of local breeds of cattle and buffalo through the provision of artificial insemination service to the livestock farmers; establishment and maintenance of artificial insemination centers and sub-centers.
- Provision of livestock production extension services to the livestock farmers (and female farmers in selected cluster areas) through a network of veterinary institutions.
- Provision of periodical in-service training to the departmental staff in animal husbandry, extension and animal health disciplines; practical pre-service training to Veterinary Assistant students of Agricultural Training Institute (ATI), Peshawar; training to field staff, male and female livestock farmers for various NGOs and projects in livestock management and related subjects.
- Establishment of livestock breeding farms for propagation of improved breeds of different livestock species, wherever feasible.
- Improvement of poultry production through the establishment of demonstration- cum-egg production farms.
- Provision of services to Local Government Department in the meat inspection by conducting ante-mortem and post-mortem examination of animals.
Undertaking livestock development related activities in collaboration with donor assisted area development projects and NGOs.
About Authors:
Mr. Allah Dad Khan is former DG Extension, KPK
Mr. Junaid Hafeez is Director, Agrihunt:
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