Tag Agriculture

Every drop counts for crop production

Every living organism requires water for its sustainable development and survival. Unfortunately, day to day water is escalating down to scarcity. Presently, Pakistan is rated amongst the water stress countries where per capita water availability is less than 1600m3 per…

Mushroom Cultivation

Mushrooms:  Although mushrooms are classified as vegetables but mushrooms belong to the kingdom Fungi and are actually fungi which bear a distinctive fruiting body and they are large enough to be seen with naked eye and can be picked by…

   Role of Organic Farming In Insect Control

                               Introduction:                                    A method or sustainable technique for crop and livestock production which involves enhancement of natural fertility of land besides avoiding the use of synthetic pesticides,…

Performance study of Different Direct Solar Dryers

Performance study of Different Direct Solar Dryers written by . Syed Mudabbar  Hussain Shah, The Author is final year student of B.Sc (Hons.) in Food Engineering Department of Food Engineering University of Agriculture, Faisalabad.   In a direct solar dryer, the moisture of the…

insect act as a carrier for transmission of virus

Insects are a source of transmission of plant viruses it depends upon four components. Availability of virus in the diseased source plant, and susceptibility of healthy plants used as indicators of transmission, transmitting ability of vector, trainability of virus. Better…

Why MAP Packaging is Prefer over other Packaging?

       In the MAP process, there are different systems that have been developed for different food requirements. Vacuum Packaging  Vacuum packaging involves the removal of air, particularly oxygen, to create a vacuum to prevent oxidation. Oxidation refers to…

Environmental pollution and its impact on human health

In developing countries of Asia, environmental pollution is the major problem. Pakistan is also facing the serious threat of environmental pollution. This  is mainly results due to different activities performed by men e,g agricultural practices, transportation , construction, which not…