Category Major Crops

Banana Marketing

Bananas, being popular and cheap, are cultivated throughout the year. The fruit is economical and hygienic, as the thick covering provides protection against bacteria and contamination. Its nutritional value is high with a rare combination of energy value, tissue-building elements,…


INTRODUCTION: Pearl Millet is an important coarse grain crop in Pakistan specially in areas where drought is common, despite its economic importance this crop has received little attention compared with wheat, rice and maize. It is grown in most districts…

Linseed : Insect pests and diseases

Generally, no serious insect attack has been observed on this crop. In rare cases the crop may be attacked by the capsule borer (Heliothis spp.), which can cause considerable loss in yield. But the pest can easily be controlled by…

Linseed : Yield and improved varieties

The world average yield of linseed is 460 kg India, one of the major producers, obtains 190 kg For the past 15 years.rhenationalyield in Pakistan has remained at 550 kg per hectare. The maximum yield; about- 600 kglha, is obtained…

Linseed : Intercropping and rotation

In Sindh on dobari lands linseed is also grown mixed with field peas or rape and mustard. Linseed follows the same rotation as other cereal crops. It performs very badly in continuous rotation. Linseed following legumes or sorghum gives excellent…

Linseed : Interculture and weeding

Linseed has poor foliage and never forms a canopy; therefore it remains a poor weed competitor throughout its life. The first hoeing is done 25-30 days after sowing. One to two hoeings are enough. Although linseed is one of the…

Linseed : Cultural practices

Locality and soil. Linseed is generally grown as a dobari crop in Sindh, particularly in Larkana District, which contributes 90% of the total area. In ‘Punjab, linseed is planted in both rain fed and irrigated areas. Linseed can be grown…

Linseed : Economic Importance

Linseed is grown in temperate as well as tropical regions. Argentina, the USA, Canada, Russia, and other European countries are the major produc- ers of linseed. In Pakistan, the area under linseed has remained static (9000-9500 hectares) for the past…


Linseed (Linium ustitatissimum L.) belongs to the plant family Linaceae. Linseed is called also throughout Pakistan. It is an annual rabi plant grmyn for its seed and fibre. The stem is thin and rounded, and about 50-100 cin tall. Linseed…


Dallisgrass (Paspalum dilatatum Poir.), family Gramineae, locally called valaiti ghas, is a summer perennial grass. It is native to South America, and was introduced into the United States in approximately 1842. Later, it began to be cultivated in other countries…