Category Livestock Industry

Seafood sector needs a re-do

THE seafood sector has a huge export potential. But years of illegal and improper fish hauling, bare minimum processing and a lack of aggressive marketing continue to keep the export growth slower than what it should be. Illegal fishing and…

Beef and beyond

The recent brutal lynching of Mohammed Akhlaq in Uttar Pradesh, India by a mob who suspected their victim of eating beef reminds us how charged the issue of cow slaughter is among conservative Hindus. Before Partition, it was not unusual…

Egg Shell Defects : Sandpaper or rough shells

Description The terms ‘sandpaper shells’ and ‘rough shells’ refer to eggs with rough-textured areas, often unevenly distributed over the shell. Incidence The incidence is normally less than 1% of total production, but may be higher for some strains of bird.…

Cattle breeding with quality control

PUNJAB risks losing part of the gains made in livestock improvement over the last one decade as the artificial insemination businesses pack up, alleging highhandedness by a livestock department working under a new provincial secretary. Out of 16 such centres…

Egg Shell Defect: Star cracks

Description Star cracks are fine cracks radiating outwards from a central point of impact, which is often slightly indented. The egg in the photograph has been placed over a bright light. This is the way it would look to a…

Egg Shell Defects- Hairline cracks

Description Hairline cracks, i.e. very fine cracks, usually run lengthwise along the shell. As they are diffi cult to detect, candling efficiency needs to be maximised (see page 24). Their presence in fresh eggs can be revealed by careful squeezing…

Egg Quality- Gross cracks

Description The term ‘gross cracks’ refers to large cracks and holes, which usually result in a broken shell membrane. Incidence The incidence of gross cracks increases with the age of the hen. It ranges from 1 to 5% of total…