Category Fertilizer Industry

Pakistan Soil Analysis

Has any soil scientist in Pakistan did work on Calcium:Magnesium Ratio And Cation Balance (%) like Calcium %, Magnesium %, Potassium %, Sodium % etc (Base-cation saturation ratio (BCSR) in our alkaline soils for different crops and in different regions…

Irrigation of Pharmaceutical Tobacco.

A group of scientists from University of Missouri-Delta Center, USDA, and Chlorogen, Inc. teamed up to study soil water potential affects of protective antigen for anthrax produced in chloroplast transformed Petite Havana tobacco. Tobacco plants with protective antigen genes were…

Phosphorus fertility buildup

Phosphorus residues accumulate in the soil when phosphorus fertilizer application exceeds its utilization by crops. Continuous use of phosphatic fertilizers in excess of crop needs thus results in a gradual increase in available phosphorus status of the soil. Buildup of…

Behavior of phosphate fertilizers in soils

The reactions taking place in the soil and the properties of. various phosphate materials combine to determine the effectiveness of any source of phosphorus under any set of soil and cropping conditions. The behavior of some phosphatic fertilizers is discussed…

Genesis of soil structure

The genesis of soil structure refers to the causes and methods of formation of the structural units or aggregates. Soil structure is a result of the processes of flocculation and granulation. Flocculation is the aggregation of individual particles into small…

Soil structure in Pakistan

Aridity as a factor. The formation of structure is inhibited in many areas of Pakistan. The most important limiting factor is aridity, especially from Multan southward. In these areas the moisture required for structure forma- tion is obtained mainly from…

A Basic Guide To Water Soluble Fertilizers

A basic guide to water soluble fertilizers. Including information pertaining to it’s contents and usages, as well as, how what’s on the label can differ from what’s inside. Water soluble fertilizers are fertilizers that can be dissolved in water and…