Category Pak Agri Outlook

Growing castor for oil extraction

CASTOR plant, locally known as ‘arind’, is grown in warm temperate and tropical areas of the world. The plant has been cultivated for centuries for oil produced by its seeds. The Egyptians burned castor oil in their lamps more than…

Biofuels: a substitute for petroleum

Biofuel can be broadly defined as solid, liquid, or gas fuel consisting of or derived from biomass. It is material derived from organisms such as plants, animals and their by-products. Manure, garden waste and crop residues are all sources of…

Moringa Plantation Practices

Moringa Plantation Methods Moringa oleifera, locally called as “Sohanjna”, a member of family Moringaceae, is a divine gift bestowed to the mankind for its extra ordinary morphological, physiological and nutritional attributes. It is a widely populated plant which is native…

Agriculture Resource Management

There is a wide gap between actual and potential yield of different crops. For wheat, rice, sugar cane, cotton, maize and edible oil, this gap is 72, 84, 74, 56, 73, 86 and 77 per cent, respectively. In respect of…