Category Pak Agri Outlook

Future of Agriculture Lies in Diversification

Agriculture is a risky business because it deals with uncertain factors such as weather and market conditions. This uncertainty can result in variable returns (farm income) to the decisions that farmers make in a particular season. Therefore, farm income variability…

Reducing Edible Oil Imports

EDIBLE oil is extracted from seeds of crops like rapeseed, mustard, groundnut, linseed, sunflower, soybean, sesame and canola grown in the country. However, a large quantity of edible oil is obtained from cotton seed. The total availability of edible oil…

Sunflower Farming Needs a Boost

The edible oil requirements have increased from 0.3 million tons to 1.95 million tons. Per capita consumption of edible oil is around 14-15kg as against an average of 8-9kg for developing countries. But the production of edible oil has remained…

Fall out of Baglihar Dam

The construction of Baglihar dam will not only deprive Pakistan of 321,000 acre feet of water during the three months of Rabi season and will have far reaching consequences on agriculture, as well. The 450MW dam would cause serious setback…

Dry Land Farming Technologies

Dry land farming pertains to high-yield and high-efficient agricultural production on areas without irrigation and largely depending upon natural rainfall through the adoption of different dry land farming technologies. Given the severe shortage of water resources, irrigation alone cannot satisfy…

Depletion of Forest Resources

FOREST resources are important for countries like Pakistan with an agro-based economy. Trees contribute to productivity of agriculture by protecting arable crops from hailstorms and windstorms, preventing lodging of crops, increasing productivity of soil, containing soil nutrient loss by wind…

Causes of Low Yield in Pakistan

  Inspite of this that contribution of services sector is gradually increasing in our economy and replacing the share of agriculture, still a lion’s share of pure agriculture contribution and agro based industry is the back bone of our economy.…

Challenges in Agribusiness

  The development of agribusinessgenerates employment among rural masses and reduces poverty. The growth of agribusiness– manufacturing industries like textile, leather, furniture, food, paper, beverage, etc. — depend upon the progress of agriculture sector. At present about 7,20,343 agribusiness firms…

Critical Issues in Agriculture of Pakistan

  Agriculture contributes 21% GDP and employing 44 percent of the workface. It is still a major contributor to our economy but its role would be more viable as it is performing at its present situation. Pakistani Agriculture facing multidimensional…

Integrated Weed Management in Rice

Weeds reduces the yield and quality of a crop. It also raises the cost of production. In case of paddy, the yield drops by 15-20 per cent and sometimes, even 50 per cent. A crop badly infested with weeds, normally…