Category Recent Researches

Beetles Play an Important Role in Reducing Weeds

Research confirms a long-held belief by scientists that ground beetles play a role in weed control. Dr David Bohan, Rothamsted Research, who led the research, said “seed predation by naturally occurring beetles in farmland does have a beneficial effect, reducing…

Biotechnology as a Key for Crop Improvement

Improvement means to make such modifications and amendments in the existing one that ultimately leads towards the best combinations. Crop improvement using biotechnology and genetic engineering is not a dream now. In last 10 years tremendous progresses have seen in…

Organic food a new window of oppertunity

When we say “Organic” a totally green, environment friendly and healthy Ideotype of a crop stand we imagine. Yes! Organic is all about the natural, green, safe, environment friendly organism which is totally free from hormones, pesticides, herbicides, insecticides, antibiotics,…