Category Livestock Industry

Care of Pregnant Animals

The early singe or latter 1/3 period of the gestation   period   is important period in view of care and management. Feeding: It is necessary to provide adequate feeding to meet nutritional requirements of both mother and foetus. The challenge feeding (extra…

Care of Heifer

Heifers-can be reared by two methods: i) Outdoor system/grazing method.ii} Indoor system.i) Outdoor system: The heifers are reared mainly on grazing. The following are management points in this system: They should be shifted daily from one grazing land to another.…

Care of Milking Animals

The routine of management practices like feeding and milking and caring should be followed some time each day, being animals are more sensitive habitual for timing. Feeding & watering: The adequate clean & fresh water should be provided. An adult dry…

Hemorrhagic Septicaemia – Animal Disease

Synonyms: Pasturellosis, shipping fever, ghatsurp It is an actual infectious disease of cattle, buffalo, sheep and goat. It distances transportation. In India, the disease is enzootic in nature. Etiology environmental conditions, malnutrition and long distance transportation. In India, the disease is…

General Measures for Prevention of Contagious Diseases

Identification of isolation of infected,-rd in contact animal. Treatment of’ affected animals Slaughter of animals suffering from incurable diseases. Disposal of Deal animals either burning or deep burial. Destroy contaminant folder by burning. Proper disposal of contaminated water. Regular cleaning…

Animal Health Cover

Herd health programme that emphasize prevention of disease, rather than treatment play a central role in any attempt to increase production efficiency. Treatment will always be important in terms of survival of the individual sick animal. However in terms of…

Housing Systems of Poultry

There are four systems of housing generally found to follow among the poultry keepers. The type of housing adopted depends to a large extent on the amount of ground and the capital available. Free-range or extensive system Semi-intensive system Folding…

Poultry Housing

Poultry is housed for comfort protection, efficient production and convenience of the poultry man. Essentials of Good Housing: Comfort: The best egg production is secured from birds that are comfortable and happy. To be comfortable a house must provide adequate accommodation;…

Conventional Dairy Barn

The conventional dairy barn is comparatively costly and is now becoming less popular day by day. However, by this system cattle are more protected from adverse climatic conditions. The following barns are generally needed for proper housing of different classes…

Loose housing system

Loose housing maybe defined as a system where animals are kept loose except milking and at the time of treatment. The system is most economical. Some features of loose housing system are as follows. Cost of construction is significantly lower…