Frequently Asked Questions – Jute

Q: What is the difference between tossa and white jute?

A: Commonly it can be differentiated by its leaf character like in tossa jute the leaves are drooping, bigger in size, yellowish green with less serration whereas in white jute the leaves are straight, relatively smaller in size, dark green in colour with deep serration

Q: What are the latest improved varieties for tosa and white jute?

A: Tossa Jute: JRO-632, JRO-878,JRO-7835, JRO-524, JRO-3690, JRO-66, JRO-8432, JRO-128 White Jute: JRC-321, JRC-212, JRC-7447, Padma, JRC-698

Q: What is the economic benefit of bast fibre extractor in comparison to traditional method?

A: Conventional approach is cost-prohibitive consuming more than 30 per cent of the total cultivation cost.

Q: Whether pruning helps in higher seed production?

A: Yes

A: Neutral loamy soil rich in organic matter. The soil should have sufficient drainage facility

Q: Which one is the suitable variety of jute under low land condition?

A: JRC-321 and Padma

Q: Whether growing jute for seed purpose is economically viable?

A: Economically viable but it depends upon the place of production like less humid tract of agroecosystems

Q: How and where certified seeds of jute are available ?

A: It is available from any government registered seed merchants

Q: What is the optimum age of harvesting for getting better quality fibre?

A: Optimum age for getting better quality fibre is 110 days.

Q: How to differentiate tossa and white jute after retting?

A: Properly retted tossa jute fibre is golden yellow in colour whereas in case of white jute it is white in colour.

A: JRC-321 under white jute and JRO-878 under tossa jute

Q: Can the extractor be operated without electricity? If yes, what are the possibilities?

A: Yes, 1.5 H.P Kerosene engine

Q: How many persons are required to operate and what is the output?

A: Two persons are required for operation and this machine can handle 400 to 500 kg whole plants in an hour

Q: How many persons are required to carry it from one place to the other?

A: Its weighing 100 kg

Q: Why line sowing of jute is better than broadcast sowing?

A: In line sowing method plant population can be regulated conveniently, cultural operations become easier and higher yield can be achieved

Q: Whether jute seed can be produced in fibre producing areas?

A: There is no problem in producing jute seeds in conventional jute fibre producing areas except some areas of Assam where rainfall is excessively high (>2000 mm). In case of seed production, farmers however, will have to forgo aman paddy and the cropping system needs to be remodeled including a pre-kharif crop, preferable sesame or green gram

Q: Whether seeds need to be graded and why?

A: Grading of jute seed is necessary to discard the smaller seeds which exhibit poor emergence and subsequent vigour

Q: How to control weeds in jute field?

A: Post-emergence application of Quizalofop ethyl (Trade name: Targa Super) @ 1.5-2.0 ml of formulation at 15-21 days after emergence can control grassy weeds in jute. In line-sown crop use of organic mulch in between rows can also control weeds.

Q: What measures can be taken to save jute from drought?

A: Use pre-soaked (4 hours) and duly dried seeds at planting, substitute fertilizers with organic sources to improve the organic matter content, use organic mulches in between rows, adopt minimal tillage and adopt foliar feeding of dilute urea solution

Q: What is the optimum sowing time of jute for fibre and seed crop?

A: For fibre crop optimum sowing time is April and for seed crop the optimum sowing time is May

Q: What should be the optimum spacing for fibre and seed crop?

A: For fibre crop 30 cm between rows and 7.5 cm between plants. A closure spacing of 20 cm improves fibre quality. For seed crop 30 cm between rows and 15 cm between plants for production of more number of pod bearing branches.

Q: What should be the ideal crop rotation including jute?

A: One legume crop (such as pulses) should be included in the rotation to improve the soil health. In light soil, growing of green manure is advocated prior to sowing of jute.

Q: How water logging can be avoided?

A: Provision of 30 cm surface drain in fibre crop and in seed crop ridge sowing is helpful.

Muhammad Ramzan Rafique
Muhammad Ramzan Rafique

I am from a small town Chichawatni, Sahiwal, Punjab , Pakistan, studied from University of Agriculture Faisalabad, on my mission to explore world I am in Denmark these days..

Articles: 4630

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